Wednesday, July 2

Not a whole lot of anything going on today. It’s almost midnight and I’ve finally finished my page. Hopefully it was worth the two weeks or so of time that I put into it. I like the new look. I can even handle the new color scheme as well. Hopefully all the links will work, considering that I’m done a couple of days ahead of my schedule.

I am just itching for tomorrow so I can be done with work for three days. It seems these four-day weeks drag a lot faster than the five-day ones, but who knows. I am so sick of being there, that could be the problem. If I could think straight I’d actually write more, but all I’m thinking about is sleep.

Tuesday, July 1

Wow, first of July already. I haven’t been updating the blog at all. Been too busy. Too fucking busy. Had company up here from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, so there went the weekend. I did manage to get on the computer off and on over the weekend and put together a rather snazzy new look for the site. I am still working on eight pages so it probably won’t be up until this weekend, but it is looking pretty nice to me. Hopefully it will load up quicker than the old site used to. I have a new menu system on there which is on every one of the main pages, and the back buttons are now at the top of the pages. I can’t really explain it, it’s just something you’d have to see.

Today at work I put up Back to School. Yes, apparently July 1st is a good day to set up back to school. Fuck the 4th, we’re skipping right into school time. No need to worry, there is still a whole two months of vacation left before school even needs to be a worry, but why not start shopping early for it. Right? Maybe I can do Halloween in August this year. That would be fun. I tell ya, work is nothing but a shithole as of late, but that’s a whole other story.