As You Can Tell…

As you can tell, I’m on strike as well. I thought I was anyway, I heard that writers were striking for more money or something, and I figured that shit, I don’t make any money off my website, why not go on strike as well. I did temporarily forget last month and I posted one entry… my bad.

So what has happened in my lovely world since my last entry? I started school now, and will be a slave until mid May. It isn’t anything too complicated that I can’t handle, its just that I’m pretty lazy and don’t like having to do homework. I also don’t like all the snow and cold that is showing up around here. It is kind of funny that the 11 years that I worked far away we hardly had winters, and now that I don’t have too far to drive, it snows like a mother. At least it waited for me.

Here is something fucked up from the memory files… This was in sixth grade in Tomah before we moved. This sounds weird and probably even weirder when you read it, but here it goes. There was this girl named Ann in my class and I am pretty sure I had a crush on her. I remember taking a spelling test in class and I was done early and just sitting there, and she was about one row up, four desks to the right and as I sat there, I just kept thinking her name over and over while I looked at her. Normal dorky 11 year old shit you say? Well, here is the weird part. After a little while she goes… “What??” and turns around asking who said her name. I know for a fact I did not say her name, and everyone looked at her like she was crazy or something. I don’t know what the hell it was, and was far too young to really think about what had happened. Maybe I am gifted?