It’s Almost Christmas Time

That’s right, Christmas is right around the corner and I haven’t even finished my shopping yet. I wish I could say that was a joke but it isn’t. I will be at the store on Thursday buying some stuff I’m sure. I just went out and bought a ham today because apparently when you buy yourself a new house you become obligated to host Christmas there. Luckily being out of retail I’m not sick of Christmas anymore. Every year seems to get just a little bit nicer. In fact I’m not sick of much of anything anymore. I need to change that.

I know… I’m sick of listening to people on the news piss and moan about Tiger Woods and whoever he is or isn’t driving. People all over the world are cheating on their spouses and being famous doesn’t make you exempt from it, but it also shouldn’t make you the target of everyone else with shitty morals suddenly judging you for your actions. All I can say is that with America’s short attention span Tiger will be back in our good graces soon enough; right Kobe Bryant?

On a side note, why was I up at 6am on a Sunday morning?