Another Month Down…

Inventory is finally over. From what I’ve been told it has been a much smoother process than in years past. I have no idea because this is my first time doing inventory here. I have done inventory for over 10 years in retail but this was a much different beast. The best part of it was that unlike retail we didn’t have the inventory crew coming in counting. If you work in retail you know the “crew”. These are the people that look like they are ex carnies and Mc Donald’s third shift wasn’t hiring. Luckily here our own people counted and then as accounting folk we put the numbers into the computer. Did I mention the overtime involved with this? In the past two weeks I have gotten over 25 hours of overtime which is pretty sweet. Friday I pulled a 5am to 6:15pm shift without a lunch which was pretty long for a day of work, but I will be singing the praises when I get my pay stub.

Well I’ve noticed that I haven’t blogged much this month either, although I did blog more than I did in August. I’ve been looking into reasons to blame this on and I seriously think that since I no longer work in retail that I don’t have much to say anymore. I used to be on here bitching about customers and my job like Al Bundy bitches about fat women in his shoe store. I seriously didn’t realize that Halloween was so close until I was in the store and saw all the shit for sale. I thought, damn, here it is almost October and I am just seeing Halloween stuff for the first time. Speaking of my blog, I’ve been looking into what I could do to increase my posts and I think I’m going to have to bring back the short post. I went through a bunch of my old blogs and I use to make short posts and a little more frequently so I think I will attempt to do that. I don’t know when I got the idea in my head that I needed to make my posts huge but that was kind of dumb. One more idea I’ve gotten is that since I don’t work retail anymore I haven’t had any good customer sucks stuff and I am going to do a compilation of all my greatest complaints about customers from my blog. As I was going through some of the past stuff I realized that I bitched a lot about customers almost everyday so I will compile that info and release it unto the world soon.

So I Did It…

Well in a greatly planned out moment involving a lapse of common sense, I decided to buy my LCD television. It is an HDTV, widescreen and it is 42”. I’m just waiting for the damn thing to ship now so that I can vegetate my ass in front of it instead of my computer screen for hours at a time. Of course I don’t vegetate in front of my computer much and now it will probably be even less. From what I’ve seen in the stores they look pretty sweet and the price was right. I’m sure there is a better crisper technology out there but I don’t care, I wanted flat and I didn’t want plasma, so this is where I wound up. Anyway, there must be some other shit going on…

You know what bugs me? Those fucking Helio commercials or whatever they are. It’s mostly the tag line…. “Don’t call it a phone”. Well let’s see here, do you talk to people on it? Do you punch in somewhere between seven and ten numbers and then someone on the other end picks up and you have a conversation? If that was a yes, then guess what Helio… you’re a fucking phone!! And don’t give me that bullshit that it has MySpace mobile and shit… like that is something to fucking brag about. Wow, now I don’t have to be home in front of the computer to be a loser, I can take my new Helio with and be a loser on the go. Oh yeah, and it also plays videos and games and streaming shit online and all other kinds of things that your kids really need to give them that edge in school. And you thought your child had bad grades before, shit they will be borderline retarded after taking their Helio Phone to school with them.

I started new classes now, well only one class but it is somewhat tough so I’m thinking of it as more than one. Combine that with inventory getting ready to kick into high gear at work and me getting a new TV and you’ll know why I haven’t bothered to update the look on my website lately. Shit, I have a tough enough time bothering to post something on here let alone redesign the damn thing. I just wish I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like; I haven’t even made a decision on colors yet. The only major thing I was thinking of doing was integrating the guestbook into the actual page so it wasn’t a separate page. I think since I’m taking classes at the local college, I’ve turned into one of those slacker college types… oh shit, speaking of, I better go, I have to update my Myspace mobile on my new Helio.

It’s September Already?

When did that happen? The last thing I knew it was still August and it was still hot and humid and now it’s so cold my balls are taking refuge somewhere near my large intestine. I just realized that I blogged all of once in August which might not be extremely rare for me but is somewhat. Work has been keeping me rather busy lately. We are coming up on our fiscal year end soon and I guess that is going to be rather hectic. We will be having inventory in two weeks and although I’m familiar with inventory in a retail setting, I have a big feeling this is going to be rather different. I’m just hoping I survive it all. Hey, it’s Friday night and I surely don’t want to talk about work anymore. I’d rather think about having the weekend off and shit. I put in some overtime the past week and have been asked to put in more in the upcoming weeks so that means a little more money coming my way. Speaking of money coming my way, I probably never mentioned that I was fully reimbursed for my schooling I took. I did get all A’s by the way in case you give a rats ass, because I am that good. Although it was my money originally it was really nice to get a $700 check. It’s kind of like getting your tax refund, sure it’s your money in the first place but it feels really good to get it back at the end.

Speaking of getting money and all of that shit, I’m trying to decide if I want to upgrade my television. Right now I’ve got a 36” Toshiba television. It’s a tube television with a 4×3 ratio which I think means it was created right after the dinosaurs became extinct, if not before. Anyway I’ve been looking into getting an LCD television in the near future. I’ve been looking into many different possibilities like Plasma and Projection and LCD and I know my next TV will be thin and light weight. My current TV is so heavy I need to invite people over from Gold’s Gym just to move the fucking thing so a TV that only weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 to 70 pounds would be great. Did I mention the dimensions on it too? It would only be about 10 inches deep and even less if I mounted it to the wall which I don’t plan on doing yet, especially since I don’t own a flat TV yet. The only problem I’m having with all of this is getting myself to spend the money to buy it. It’s not like I don’t have the money, I could buy one tomorrow and pay cash for it if I wanted to, but for some reason I almost feel guilty about it. I’m looking at around $1,300 if I get the 37” widescreen. In the past I’ve spent triple that on a single computer so I don’t know what the problem is. I’ve bought dumber shit in the past; at least I could get some enjoyment out of this. I remember buying 4MB of memory for my computer years ago and paying about $400 for it, and that worked for oh, 6 months before I realized my computer was outdated beyond belief. Anyway, all I do is shop around for this TV that I will probably never buy mostly because I’m afraid that it will drop in price right after I buy it. Technology always seems to do that to me. I will most likely do what I always do and ponder it for a long time and then just up and buy it on a whim. Maybe I’ll buy it for myself for Christmas… fuck the starving children.

Well, I think I just wrote a bunch of shit about absolutely nothing so I don’t have much more to say… well I do have one more thing to say: Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!