I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. This has been a long week for some reason. I think it is just because I am taking off most of next week and I’m anxious to not work. I wonder what I am going to watch on TV when I’m off. Last year I took my birthday week off and I got to watch round the clock coverage of the sniper from DC. I think I will end up working almost a whole day tomorrow too. At least I will be off the weekend, and then I will go back Monday for a day and have the rest of the week off. I can handle that.
I see that Caterpillar company is suing Disney trying to stop the movie George of the Jungle 2 from coming out. Why you might ask? Because they feel it depicts Caterpillar in a negative way in the movie for children. Let me ask you this, what in the fuck does a kid care how a company is depicted anyway? Will little Johnny not grow up to work in construction now? Apparently the plot (I use that word lightly) of the movie is a developer is going to tear down the rainforest and George has to save it. Of course they are using Caterpillar dozers and stuff to do this, because let’s face it, a Buick won’t cut it when you are tearing down trees. So all this leads us to a lawsuit for some reason. I am so sick of everyone being so sue happy these days. What is going to be next, will Mc Donalds sue someone because a fat person ate their food in a movie and it’s projecting a negative image of their product? Luckily for Caterpillar anyone who actually watches George of the Jungle 2 is probably not mentally capable of using their machinery anyway.
Oh yeah, I changed the page again.