And it Begins

Finally on a full week of vacation.Of course it technically started on Friday when I left work, but I’m always off the weekends so it didn’t feel like it.

What to do, what to do. I have a very large list of things to do, but I also just purchased Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii. That is one of the advantages of being single I guess, there is nobody pushing you to do that list… and I’m not very self motivated at the moment.

Well it is a little after 7 on my first day of vacation, I think the only logical thing to do is go back to bed for an hour or so. I need to be rested if I am going to play video games all day long.


  1. Woohoo to video games and never being to damn old to play them! I love being from Generation X! Enjoy your vacation from that pansy ass thing you call a job! haha

  2. Woohoo to video games and never being to damn old to play them! I love being from Generation X! Enjoy your vacation from that pansy ass thing you call a job! haha

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