Apparently it was Adobe’s turn to Piss Me Off

That’s right; my Adobe CS3 Master Collection is what pissed me off this time around. This bullshit started last Sunday night while I was playing around with my Flash program trying to learn some of the ins and outs of how it works since although I’ve had it for some time, I rarely used it. Anyway, on Sunday night or maybe even Monday night last week (it’s all a hazy blur) I went to open my Flash program to pick up where I left off and instead of starting up like it normally does, I get an error message. Not a nice error message like “oh we can’t start now, restart your computer and everything will work again”. No, I got this message: Licensing for this product has stopped working.

Now what in the fuck was that all about? What happened to Flash, so then I open up Dreamweaver to the same message, same goes for Photoshop and Fireworks and… well you get the idea here. Well I immediately go to my best friend Google and ask it a very simple question; What the Fuck? I get many replies and realized that this is a problem that has existed in some form since back in 2006 or so. I find this interesting Adobe Knowledge Base Article named the following:

Error “Licensing for this product has stopped working” when you start any Adobe Creative Suite 3 application”

Hey, that sounds just like my problem there, so what should I do? I know, I’ll follow their suggestions and get my Adobe up and running like a pro again right?? Wrong.
The first thing it said was that my licensing service was probably in need of an update and I should download this update and get it up to speed. No problem there, I did all that and guess what… nothing. Then I did the part where I make sure my Flex Net is set to manual and is started in my services. That’s already on. Next there were some permissions I was supposed to set on a couple different folders, which I did. Once again, not a thing.

By now it’s been almost a week and do you know what I’m feeling… major fucking hatred towards Adobe or Macrovision or whoever’s problem this is and since I don’t know if it’s the product or the licensing company I’m pissed off at both of them.

My last ditch effort offered to me by Adobe’s suggestions is to do a complete uninstall of pretty much everything Adobe on my PC and to run a CS3 Cleaner through the computer to deep clean everything out. Well there goes my fucking holiday weekend right there. There’s nothing more I like to do on a three day weekend than to fix something that shouldn’t have fucking broke in the first place.

Luckily before I get to the point of actually uninstalling all this shit I find an awesome article about how someone fixed this on a Mac. Now I don’t have a Mac, but the solution sounded like something that would work on a PC (so fuck you Justin Long) too. All I had to do was insert my original installation DVD’s and when it comes time to install, instead of running a total install, I unselect all items and then the only thing that gets installed are the shared components. Well, once that was completed I pulled the disc out of the computer and went and clicked on my Fireworks logo anticipating another failure. Well much to my excitement I got a box pop up asking me for my serial number. I entered that, then activated the product again and I’m up and running again…. 7 fucking days after this shit started. Let’s hope I never have to go through that shit again, but at least if I do, my expectations for Adobe are no longer as high as they were before, so I won’t be nearly as disappointed. Did they hire ex Microsoft developers or something?

What else is going on around here? The weather is starting to get really nice again so hopefully that will last a little longer than the last time. Last time it lasted about three days and then it went back to cold and utter shit. In fact last Saturday we actually had snow. It wasn’t a lot of snow but it was enough to slap you in the face and make you realize that you weren’t going to be wearing shorts on that day.

Well shit, I better get back to working with my Adobe products before the whole thing goes to shit again.


  1. I HATE computer problems. So I feel for you, bud. I was glad to see you offline. You’re one of my favorite complainers. Here’s hoping you get Adobe working sooner than later. Take care and I hope you had a nice holiday.

  2. I HATE computer problems. So I feel for you, bud. I was glad to see you offline. You’re one of my favorite complainers. Here’s hoping you get Adobe working sooner than later. Take care and I hope you had a nice holiday.

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