Author: David
Now or Never
July is almost over and I figure I better do my obligatory blog entry for the month. The deck is complete, for now. That means that the deck itself is complete, but I still want to put some lattice underneath to hide the ugliness that comes from under the deck and I want to do some landscaping around the deck. Just remember, the more landscaping you do means the less grass you mow.
Now you know my next project, however, I don’t plan on doing much of that until my days reach more of an average of 70 degrees, not this 90 to 100 bullshit.
The Deck
I have been buidling a deck the last couple weekends. I took off early from work a few days and worked around rainy days, but I have a deck. Now I just have to build the railings and put steps on it. It does feel good to be able to walk out of my patio door now.
I would say that once the deck is finished that I will be online more and post more, but shit… we all know better than that.
Give Me an L, Give Me an A, Give Me a… fuck it, I’m Watching TV
So, the busyness continues, yet so does the lackluster ability to give a shit and the wanton need to sit around and do nothing. This leads me to believe that I am the busiest lazy person you may know.
My patio door is in, but now I need to put a door in the back of the garage. It’s not that I really need a back door there, but since I have seamless steel siding on my house, it will take up the space that the old door did so I don’t have to reside the entire house. All of this is completely planned out in my head, but isn’t done. There is also the matter of building the deck, but that can’t be done until this door and siding project is done. That means that I have to get my ass off the couch once in a while and do it. Finding the motivation to get to the end of this project is becoming very trying. Where are those assholes from HGTV or the DIY Network that show up and do this shit for you? You can record it, I don’t care… just fix it.
My plan is to do this stuff over the weekend, however I don’t know since it may rain again this weekend. You know, rain, like it has been doing since yesterday.
There is also the matter of my left wrist injury. I probably shouldn’t’ call it an injury since I can’t pinpoint when I would have hurt it. I just know when I do certain things like write or type that it hurts like hell. Luckily it only hurts from the start of the ring and pinky finger down to the wrist and then shoots up the arm when I twist it wrong. That is very awesome.
I’m sure I could type more shit, but really, what’s been going on around here? Oh, that’s right, we shot Osama. I say we because it makes me feel like part of the team, although all I did was sit on the couch relaxing and then partially freaking out when it’s announced the president is going to make a special announcement late on a Sunday… holy shit, bombs are coming, time to get wasted. Of course, almost 2 weeks later and we still hear about it every day. I try not to read about it too much though; I can’t take the news sites. Not because of the news itself, but because of all the idiots that comment on the stories. Today while I was supposed to be working, I stumbled over to Fox News. There is an article over there all about how the White House invited rapper Common over. Wow is that a shit storm of controversy all of the sudden. However, I didn’t see any mention of when George HW Bush invited Eazy E to the White House back in 1991. You know Eazy E, a member of the group NWA, with the controversial song Fuck the Police? Really… what the fuck FOX?
RIP Nate Dogg
What The Hell?
Why is it the longer I live, the more retarded other people get? It’s not only regular people, it’s everyone. I haven’t seen it lately, but what the fuck is up with Gain detergent using the word gooder in a commercial? Let’s totally fuck the language here and make a stupid commercial.
Then there are the idiots making products we don’t need. Dawn dish soap with Oil of Olay lotion in it… we don’t need this shit. I don’t want lotion all over my dishes. If your hands dry out because you are washing dishes then either wear gloves or put on some lotion when you’re done. How lazy are we in this country that we can’t open two separate bottles. Hell, if I have to open the cap on my dish soap, I’m surely not going to have the energy to pump lotion into my hands… and forget rubbing it in.
Our attention span is so short, possibly from information overload. I know this was a little over a month ago, but does anyone remember all the dead birds and fish? Yeah, that’s what I figured. Everyone was crying apocalypse and government cover-ups and UFO’s not too long ago, but oh shit, Lindsey Lohan steals something and that is our new attention grabbing item for this month. What a bunch of shit that is. No wonder I hate the news, if it isn’t getting them ratings then it isn’t worth their time. Fucking sellouts.
Speaking of sellouts, when is Facebook going to crash and burn? MySpace is in trouble already, possibly going down, and I feel Facebook will follow. MySpace started as some site to promote your band, and then a bunch of people jumped the wagon and decided they wanted to be on there as well. Then… and this was the beginning of the end; it got commercialized. Suddenly every movie coming out and every new product had a MySpace account and wanted you to join them there. The over commercialization of anything will kill it. Once the big money started coming into MySpace, then it started to really suck ass and people began to bail. Now Facebook is heading down that same path. What started out as some shitty college idea to bang chicks and spy on everyone on campus grew to this giant network of people and now has sold out and is now on its decline… and may I add; good riddance.
Holy shit, the Packers just won the Super Bowl.
My Last Blog Entry Ever… in 2010
Counting this entry… I’ve done 22 entries this year. That isn’t even two a month (shit, I totally skipped out doing one in February.)
So what does the New Year mean or bring? Well, I hate to tell you, but with the exception of a new calendar and a hangover, absolutely nothing… well aside from a few broken resolutions.
Resolutions are nothing more than lies that we tell ourselves to make up for years of shitty behavior. I’m going to quit smoking, I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to drink less, I’m going to be nice, I’m going to stop masturbating on the patio… blah blah fuckin’ blah.
The only resolution I make any more on December 31st is that I am going to put my new calendar up before February gets here…. And that’s all I plan on doing this year as well. Besides, I don’t need resolutions to keep me busy, I already have more than enough. I already plan on working on the basement, but up here on the main level, my bathroom is in need of a little gutting and makeup. There is no medicine cabinet and there is a pantry type built in that smells like very old wood. That is the final closet in this house that smells like that. The kitchen cupboards smelled like that, and so did my closet and the hall closet. All of that has been replaced so far. Someday I’ll have to throw some pictures up I suppose. My main plan is to rip out the pantry type closet in the bathroom completely and have a larger vanity and a medicine cabinet. With the exception of the towels, everything in that cabinet will fit in the medicine cabinet.
So I guess that is my resolution if you can call it that… keep fixing my house up. I think I should have my own damn show on HGTV or DIY by now dammit. Where is my show?
On the plus side here, nobody… and I mean NOBODY said “See You Next Year” to me. I am so glad that I didn’t have to hear that unoriginal bullshit this year. In fact, now that I think about it, I haven’t heard that since I worked in retail. Imagine that.
A Classic of My Time
LCD Television; Round Two
In order to enjoy the title of the blog, you will have to disregard the fact that I bought a 32” LCD television for my bedroom about six months ago…
If you’re a longtime reader of my blog, you may remember my ShopNBC disaster of purchasing an LCD television back in 2006. I purchased some piece of shit television with a weird ass name brand of Protron or Spectron or some weirdness. Regardless of what it was called, it might as well have been called “shit”, because that’s what it was. Since it was over four years ago, I don’t remember all the details, aside from what I wrote in the blog back then, I do seem to remember it cost me $1,899 for 42” of non-working LCD, which I did luckily get back from those bastards… but I hold no ill will; oh wait, yes I do.
Anyway, four years later, I have decided to once again attempt to replace my living room television with an LCD. This time I went larger and opted for a 60” LCD television. I purchased locally, and a recognizable brand name, no odd named bullshit from a slick talking asshole on a home shopping network. I have had the television for almost a week now, so I am hoping this one makes it well past the eight day mark the shitty one did. I am counting on it doing so, since I bought a sweet stand for it (not really feeling comfortable mounting a 60” to my wall) and I upgraded my cable package to the HD bundle. HD is so fucking awesome; I can watch utter bullshit and be amazed because it is so crystal clear.
What other things that are going on around here? We had a major snowstorm last weekend, well over a foot of snow dumped on us in one day, and now we are looking at round two to hit tomorrow. We are looking at close to 9” tomorrow now. I think winter has more than made it’s point, time to move on; it’s not even the first day of winter.
The pool table project is looking to become a basement remodel project… more to come on that shit as it develops.
And it Begins
Finally on a full week of vacation.Of course it technically started on Friday when I left work, but I’m always off the weekends so it didn’t feel like it.
What to do, what to do. I have a very large list of things to do, but I also just purchased Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii. That is one of the advantages of being single I guess, there is nobody pushing you to do that list… and I’m not very self motivated at the moment.
Well it is a little after 7 on my first day of vacation, I think the only logical thing to do is go back to bed for an hour or so. I need to be rested if I am going to play video games all day long.
Who Zunes?
Ah, the day after turning back the clocks. This is not only the day I can count on the sun going away earlier and making the day feel really short, but I can also count on anytime time is brought up for people to say… “old time or new time?” There is nothing better to hear than that, because you have to think about it for a second or two. I say, I woke up at 8 this morning… then they say, 8am new time or old time? Then I have to think about whether I turned that clock or not. Making me think on a Sunday morning is usually not a good idea. Then later I was at Kwik Trip and got to hear the cashier talking to a customer about the time change and she goes… we get an extra hour of sunlight tonight at least; and I’m thinking only if you turned your clock the wrong fucking way. I didn’t correct her because I don’t really give a shit, which I think should be obvious by now.
I went through my blog comments like I do every other week or so, what the hell is up with all the spam comments telling me how awesome the Microsoft Zune is. Do they even still make the Zune? If so, I was not aware. I don’t know who would spam blogs and shit anyway, like anyone comes here for advice on what to buy.
Today I decided to make a list of shit I want to do around the house. I didn’t realize that I had that many things I wanted to work on around here. I am going to be a busy sunofabitch for the next few weeks, or months depending on how quickly I can work. I should get to that list, but I think I will instead just relax and sit on my ass. Besides, it is almost 10pm, time to go to bed… is that new time or old time?