Friday, June 13

Holy balls, a full moon and it’s Friday the 13th. Scary!! Had two possible tornados here today to boot. Actually, they weren’t tornados, they were funnels, because they never touched the ground. Stupid ass weather anyway. I have inventory on Monday at work, so that is just a slap in the face on a Monday. Hey, it’s the suckiest day of the week and now you get to do inventory too. Lucky me. They should have just went the whole way and made it today, Friday the 13th inventory would be fitting.

I am still working on the new site. I don’t have any concrete things going on, but you can check out what I’ve learned so far with this new program. is where I’m putting my stuff just to test it out on the web. All I have is some rollover buttons and the pictures change when you roll over the buttons. The links are not working, because there are no pages that are connected to them yet. I highly doubt that will be the design I end up going with, but you can’t really tell yet. I am still playing with that and I am also working on some new stuff which I may put up with a new design. Have to see how it plays out.