Well, any thoughts I had rolling around in my head to write down for an Easter blog have been drowned out by way too much food. I seriously didn’t eat a whole lot, because aside from the ham, there wasn’t too much that appealed to me at the dinner table this year. Of course the rabbit cake did appeal to me so I had a piece of that. Seriously though, it wasn’t made of rabbit, it was just shaped like a rabbit, a very cartoony rabbit now that I think about it. I wonder why we make the bunny our Easter symbol and then we make all of our food to look like it and eat it. Hey, our holiday is going to be represented by this human like rabbit, let’s make chocolate bunnies and cake bunnies and eat them. I guess we do the same thing for Christmas with Santa so I shouldn’t be complaining.
I can’t believe this is already my second Easter that I haven’t been working in retail. That’s right, next Wednesday I will have been at my job for one year already. I started on April 11th last year and that week had Good Friday in it with Easter following.
I’m very close to being done with my classes for this semester and from what I’ve seen of what’s offered over the summer, I might be class free until next September, which will be a nice deserved break if I do say so myself. Since my over-hammed brain cannot think of anything clever to say, I think I’m going to retire for the evening and get some much needed rest.