OK, not really, not yet anyway. It’s fast approaching though, Christmas that is. Yesterday while I was at work I was asked to change the station at work from our normally crappy music to even crappier Christmas music. You know, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, why the hell should we be subjected to Christmas Music now? There is no reason for that shit that I can think of. Do they actually think that people are going to hear the Christmas music and go… oh I better buy some Christmas stuff here? It doesn’t work that way, especially this early. What most people will think is why do these stupid fuckers have Christmas music playing already? Of course since I was the one that physically changed the station, I was the one to get all the flak for it. All I know is we got a memo from our corporate office saying: Christmas Music Now. Nice, simple and to the point. So I almost thought about writing back to them and telling them that we had a few Muslims and a few Jews in the store that worked there and they don’t appreciate being subjected to the Christmas tunes all the time… then I realized I don’t really give a shit.
I saw the new 2005 Mustang GT yesterday at the Ford dealer in the town that I work in. Pretty choice if I do say so myself. I have been seeing pictures over the last couple years of what this car is going to look like, but honestly, those pictures don’t do it justice whatsoever. When I was looking at the pictures I didn’t really like the shape or anything of the car, but standing there looking at the real thing I have to say; fucking sweet. So when am I going to buy me one? Well, unfortunately not for some time now. I am still checking into going back to school either for computer networking or web site design (duh). So anyway that is my main financial concern for the next couple years. I am currently a money saving fool and actually have more money in savings than I have for quite a few years. My Mustang that I own now is pretty close to paid off and I have no really large outstanding bills, so I can’t see why I shouldn’t go back to school and try and learn a new trade so I can maybe make some more money out there in the future… then I buy the Mustang. A blue convertible Mustang.
I’m also toying around with different looks for my website although I haven’t totally chosen one yet. I have found a few things online which help me in my blog make picture banners and what not, and I am working on that currently. The new look of the blog looks pretty sweet that I’m working on and I’m pretty sure it will be the look very soon… maybe with a little more tweaking.