As I’m listening to the news on the radio at work today I hear that someone is going on a hunger strike because of something on American Idol. I didn’t get to hear the details so I had to come home and read them online in order to fully understand what we’re dealing with here in this time of crisis.
Apparently some lady is going on a hunger strike until someone named Sanjaya (hey lady, my spellchecker doesn’t like that name either) is voted off American Idol. So what she does is gets herself a MySpace page (oooh, fucking original there) and tells how she is not going to eat anything until this kid is voted off. You know, not since Gandhi went on a hunger strike to protest Britain’s occupancy of India have I seen such a worthy cause.
Luckily there is nothing of real importance going on in this country and she can do a protest like this. I mean if there was a war that our soldiers were dying in every day or a president that over half the population didn’t like or large companies fucking up our environment or if AIDS and Cancer weren’t cured yet, then surely you wouldn’t want to do a protest like that because you’d look like a… um, what’s the word?
Oh yeah, Media Whore. Luckily for her though, that position did open up on February 8th of this year.