Well, we aren’t too far away from the big ass day of Christmas. You know what that means don’t you? It means I need to get my lazy ass out of the house and buy some damn presents. It’d be much funnier if I was joking about it. I still only have two people completely taken care of. I haven’t even went out and bought my mom her gift although I’m pretty sure I know what I’m getting it’s that whole leaving the house to get it that I’m having the problem with. You see, I stopped at Wal Mart last week and I suddenly realized that every other fucking person in the county I lived in had the exact same idea to stop at Wal Mart so I didn’t even bother going in, I just drove off swearing I’d go back and finish my shopping later. I guess later is now. I am debating on going out tonight yet or waiting until 4am when I wake up and can’t sleep and just going then. I can always come back home and crash in bed afterwords if I’m hella tired. Now all I have to do is decide what in the hell I’m going to buy for the other people on my list. Hmmmm…?
I’m feverishly working away on another update on my 3rd Bass page. This time I’m killing the two subdomains and I’m going to group everything back into one site. So far I’m pleased with the design aspect of the site. It’s a black background with a white font, which is kind of what I wanted to do to this site, but it looks better on that site. I’m hoping to have that completed by the first of the year.
Gee, can I bitch anymore about my job? I’m sure I have things to bitch about, like the pallet of bird food I got today or the pallet of large storage containers that are coming in (that I had a few years ago and sold about 3 of.) But you know what? I don’t really give a shit. I spend most of my day at work being pissed off and where does it get me? Absolutely nowhere except more pissed off. On the other side of the coin, I must say that having four tires with tread on them and 210 pounds in the trunk are extremely helpful on our shitty winter roads. I’m almost ready to kick myself in the ass for not doing that to my car months ago, or even last winter for that matter. I can’t believe the difference, and so far I haven’t even slipped once. Wait, that means I don’t have an excuse to call in to work and say I’m not going to make it in. Damn you Goodyear.