It’s my first official day being 30. Luckily nothing too bad happened to me now that I’m old. I went to the casino tonight and got my lame ass $5 of free quarters. I of course came out with the same thing I always do when I go to the casino. Dirty hands and empty pockets. I guess it wasn’t my lucky night. I was hoping to win the Powerball so I could quit my job and retire at 30. No such luck.
I’ve been thinking about a lot of things that have changed since I was a child. As I look around I see many things that have changed. TV is a big one. I remember we used to get 2 channels, and one of them was PBS. We had a big ass antenna and a dial on top of the TV. The TV was nothing small either. It was a floor console and it had dials on it. Dials that you had to get up off your ass and change the channels. Pac Man was the hottest game you could play. There were so many things that were different back then, I guess I could probably write a book or something. Yeah, write a book and make some money. I could make 10 million dollars.