In order to enjoy the title of the blog, you will have to disregard the fact that I bought a 32” LCD television for my bedroom about six months ago…
If you’re a longtime reader of my blog, you may remember my ShopNBC disaster of purchasing an LCD television back in 2006. I purchased some piece of shit television with a weird ass name brand of Protron or Spectron or some weirdness. Regardless of what it was called, it might as well have been called “shit”, because that’s what it was. Since it was over four years ago, I don’t remember all the details, aside from what I wrote in the blog back then, I do seem to remember it cost me $1,899 for 42” of non-working LCD, which I did luckily get back from those bastards… but I hold no ill will; oh wait, yes I do.
Anyway, four years later, I have decided to once again attempt to replace my living room television with an LCD. This time I went larger and opted for a 60” LCD television. I purchased locally, and a recognizable brand name, no odd named bullshit from a slick talking asshole on a home shopping network. I have had the television for almost a week now, so I am hoping this one makes it well past the eight day mark the shitty one did. I am counting on it doing so, since I bought a sweet stand for it (not really feeling comfortable mounting a 60” to my wall) and I upgraded my cable package to the HD bundle. HD is so fucking awesome; I can watch utter bullshit and be amazed because it is so crystal clear.
What other things that are going on around here? We had a major snowstorm last weekend, well over a foot of snow dumped on us in one day, and now we are looking at round two to hit tomorrow. We are looking at close to 9” tomorrow now. I think winter has more than made it’s point, time to move on; it’s not even the first day of winter.
The pool table project is looking to become a basement remodel project… more to come on that shit as it develops.