Ahhh, it’s the 4th of July once again. There is nothing better to do today then eat until you can’t move; drink until you can’t walk; then light highly explosive fireworks and try to get out of the way. Yes, Independence Day. Remember today you are independent; unless you count all of those bill collectors that keep calling you up every two days trying to get their damn money from you. That and those bastards at work seem to think you should keep showing up. If you were independent you wouldn’t have to put up with that shit now would you?
So far into my 4 day weekend I haven’t done much of anything; and it’s been wonderful. Get up when I want to, go to bed when I want to, and not have to be anywhere at any certain time. That’s fucking living. Did I mention that I had a 4 day weekend? Well I do, although it is half over already. Friday I went and saw Spiderman 2. That was a pretty damn good movie I must say. There were really no disappointing parts of the movie that I remember. The only question I really have; which I’ve had since the first movie is this. If he was bitten by a spider and then mutated to get spider like qualities… Why do the webs shoot out of his wrists? Shouldn’t they shoot out of his ass area? In the comic books he made his own web material so it was never a question then, but in the movie he mutated to shoot his own webs. I suppose it would be hard to websling if you were shooting them out of your ass.
My fan club is expanding even more as I speak. I have had my second idiotic email from a person with an AOL address. What does AOL stand for anyway? Assholes On Line? I’ve had two people email me, presumably about my Wal Mart ranting to tell me off. Of course the first was a guy that said “YOU DONT WORK THERE RIGHT? SO IF YOU DONT GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Oooh, good argument there dude. I’ve already responded to that douche bag so I won’t further twist the knife into his ego; but last night I got my second email from one of these degenerates with the AOL address. The second one said “well crack kills as well get off it” Wow, these AOL losers really know how to argue don’t they? I’m assuming that she mistook my email address for the Mary Kate Olsen fan club email address or something. I’m pretty sure that this was another response to my Wal Mart rant on my page. Now I know that you got your free AOL trial disc at Wal Mart because after you bought your herpes cream and pregnancy test you were out of money and couldn’t afford anything else, but that doesn’t mean you have to defend Wal Mart to me.
Hell, I have said it before, I shop there on occasions. Let me point something out to you girl. First off, I highly doubt you are the cats meow, more of something the cat left in the sand. Second, if you feel the need to pick up a cause, maybe choose something a little more happening then defending a multi million dollar company against a guy that pays $50 a year for his little web site. Go into politics or religion or something of that sort, but don’t waste your obvious brainpower on defending Wal Mart against people you think are on crack. You poor disillusioned girl; must be all that LSD you do.