Is it any wonder that I hate winter? Last week at this time the only snow that we had was the stuff that was still in piles on the side of the roads. Most of it had already melted, the streets were clear, and the grass was showing. This bullshit happened in one day, of course a Monday. We had every road in our county shut down during the course of this storm. The last time I remember this happening was 11 years ago when I first started my job. It was my second day, and I was supposed to go and train, and I called in because I couldn’t make it in. Ah the memories I could tell. Maybe I should write a book… my life in the hell you call retail. But hey, back to winter’s death grip on my town.
I saw some Robins flying around here on Sunday afternoon so I’m guessing they’re wondering what in the fuck is going on and if it’s anything like the human race, the female Robin is bitching out the male Robin for coming back during a snowstorm.
That’s all I can say about the snow without getting extremely pissed off. Of course, the snow is probably better than getting a tornado.