Ok, let’s figure this out shall we? It is April 26th and it’s snowing out. Did I miss some sort of meeting here or something? It’s almost May and there are white flakes and I highly doubt my extremely tall neighbor is shaking his dandruff out in front of my window. If you bitch at all about this whole snow thing, people tell you to accept it because you live in Wisconsin. Well you know what, that’s not good enough for me. Gee, maybe I should kick back with a brick of cheese and a 24 pack of Old Milwaukee too, since I am in Wisconsin and all. Maybe I can go cow tipping too. It’ll work really good since it’s all snowy out and the big fuckers will tip easier that way.
I’ve been working feverishly on making a new look for my website, but I’m kind of coming up dry. I’m also going to debut a couple new articles on the site whenever it is that I get it up… the site that is. One article that is completed is Customers Suck 3, the other one that is nearing completion is called Porn & Toons. I’ll have to let that one explain itself when you read it, and no it has nothing to do with pornographic cartoons. A few other things I’m working on but haven’t completed yet is things we will say to our kids, a spiel on the criminal justice system in our country, a few of the charities I’m part of and some things that make me happy. Of course on the other end of the spectrum, I’m trying to make some major changes to my 3rd Bass page. When I first set it up I thought it looked pretty cool, but now I’m deciding that I really hate the white and colored letters on the black background. It’s probably a minor bitch on my part but when I figure out this CSS shit, and believe me I will, I will most likely revamp the entire 3rd Bass site as well. I’m already working on a new banner for the site and I’ll hopefully be going through some of the lyrics and changing those and other things of that nature. Damn, who has time to work when you have shit like this to do?
Speaking of doing fun stuff like building web pages and all, I think I’m going to be signing up for some online courses for web design. There are a bunch of online courses specifically for what I want that start in the near future. I think I will sign up for those even though they are non credit courses just so I can get the experience I need to either make my sites better and hopefully land a good job that I might actually enjoy. In case I’ve never made it clear, my current job; don’t enjoy it too much.