I went shopping this morning. When I say this morning I don’t mean like 9am as in your kind of morning, I mean 5am as in my morning. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn’t fall back asleep. My plan was to go back to sleep and then get up around 6 and go to the stores. Well I lay back down and then my mind started racing. Shit, what if I don’t wake up until 9 and then I get there and there’s a bunch of assholes shopping already? So my worrying got the best of me so I got up and threw on whatever I was wearing yesterday and went to the store. That’s right, no showers for me. Hey, if I’m going out of my house that early in the morning, I’m too tired to really give a shit what odors are radiating from my body. Besides, I did a cologne and Febreeze spray down before I left the house. I’m sure I smelled better than half of the people that were in the store cleaning the floors. So I go shopping, I buy all my stuff and I didn’t have any other asshole customers get in my way. It was glorious.
This makes me realize a problem I have. I fucking hate people. It’s not just the holiday madness; I’m pretty sure on this one. I think I’d be better off living on a deserted island somewhere. Every time I turn on the news I have to see some degenerate loser that has committed some heinous crime. Anywhere from the guy that shot the hunters in my own backyard to a woman killing another woman, then cutting her open with a fucking car key and stealing her baby out of her stomach and claiming it as her own. People say they act like animals, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen an animal kill another, rip its unborn baby out of it and claim it. Nope, can’t say I ever have. I guess if this woman is so desperate to have a child that maybe someone should impregnate her. Impregnate her with a rattlesnake, or perhaps a piranha. People like this shouldn’t be allowed to even waste our oxygen. And why the fuck are we going to have a trial for this? I’m so sick of assholes doing the crime then having some sad ass excuse for why they did it. Hey, did you kill them or not? It’s a yes or no question; it’s not an essay question. The guy that killed the six hunters admitted that he did it and now they are going to have a trial to find out why. What? They can’t even say he killed them on the news; they have to say he allegedly killed them or he is charged with killing them. He fucking admitted it, there is no question here. Now when they try this woman for killing the pregnant lady and taking the baby even though they know they did it… guess what? There goes more of your hard earned tax money. It’s no wonder that we have libraries that are falling apart and roads that are crumbling and fewer policemen on the streets. We are paying to prove that people that are guilty are really guilty. Maybe if we’d spend the money on prevention instead of just cleaning up afterwards then perhaps, just perhaps some of this fucked up shit wouldn’t be happening.
But then again, what do I know? I’m just a disgruntled human. Deserted island; here I come.