It’s been a weird couple of days weather wise. Friday I got home from work and it was damn near 75 out, so I threw on my shorts and t-shirt and opened the windows up. Roughly and hour later it got chilly and I was freezing my ass off in the house, so I had to shut the windows and put some pants on.
Saturday was basically a repeat of Friday. Got home from work and it was really nice, and about an hour or so later it got cool and somewhat rainy. Saturday night was a real fun one. I had to be to work by 6:45 on Sunday so I needed to get to bed early, but that didn’t happen. I wasn’t quite tired yet, so I didn’t doze off until 9 or so. Around 11 I woke up to hear the lovely sound of hail hitting the house. In a half assed daze I turned on the TV and flipped over to the Weather Channel to see what was going on. It turned out to just be a run of the mill thunderstorm with some small hail in it. Since I was extremely tired I fell back asleep while watching the Weather Channel. Around 2:30 in the morning the warning sound woke me up from the Weather Channel. I woke up to see that we were under a severe thunderstorm warning until 3. I thought wonderful, 60mph winds and 2″ hail. We got hail, but luckily nothing as nasty as what was predicted. I think I finally fell back asleep somewhere around 3:30. My alarm went off at 5.
Sunday was supposed to be the hell day. They had been predicting severe storms with tornadoes ever since Wednesday and today was D-Day. I worked until a little after 1pm and when I got home I was totally exhausted so I lay on the couch and watched TV and dozed off until around 3:30 when the action started in Minnesota. Basically it started off really super with about 8 tornado warnings in Minnesota and then crossing over into Wisconsin, but it pretty much died down by the time it got to us around 8pm. We just got some heavy rain and some major lightning and thunder. Luckily I was able to get my ass to bed early and catch some sleep.
Of course the topper to all of this was when i got up this morning and looked outside and saw that the grass was green. What a wonderful site to see. Green grass means that my ass will be doing yardwork by the weekend. Sonofabitch.