I survived Monday, hell Tuesday too. Tomorrow is my half day, and I think I might actually have to get my ass outside and do something about the leaf problem. You would think that we could have genetically engineered trees that either don’t lose their leaves, or whose leaves would decompose at an alarming rate. Nope, the damn scientists are too busy trying to clone sheep or some shit. I need someone to work on this pronto. I’m sure we’d put the rake people out of business, but come on. Who doesn’t already own a fucking rake? It would suck a little while for them, but in the long run it would be better off for all. Then again, I might say fuck it until all the leaves are off the tree. I live next to old retired men who apparently have nothing better going on in their lives except cleaning up the leaves. Every night their yards are cleaned up, and every morning they are filled back up. It almost makes me want to set a large fan up in my yard and blow all my leaves into their yard. Hmmm… must get large fan.
I read that Smith & Wesson are going to start marketing home decor, clothing and jewelry just in time for Christmas. Are they trying to capitalize on Martha Stewart or something? Would you buy clothing from the same people that make your guns? I’ve heard of people using their Smith & Wesson to get jewelry from someone, but now you’re going to be wearing it from S & W too. It’s like Mitsubishi, I had a cell phone from them once and I saw a car with the same logo as my phone and I thought…that’s fucked up. First off, the phone sucked major ass, and if they can’t get that right, I wouldn’t even want to ride in the poor excuse for a vehicle. I think companies should just stick to what they make and leave the other shit to the other people. Whats next, is Hanes going to start marketing weapons? The only thing positive to come out of this will be the fun at the airport when someone says something about your favorite shirt and you say I’ve got my Smith & Wesson packed. Just to watch security pounce someone for that will be worth it.