No, not the stupid shitty clothes place in your lame ass mall in your lame ass town. I’m not talking about that gap between your teeth either. I’m talking about the gap between how much bandwidth I’m allowed per month and how much I’ve used thus far. I get 4GB and I’m at 3.5GB. At this moment I see no need to purchase extra considering that it should be reset again in three days and I guess although I’m hoping that nothing goes down, that if it does it won’t be the biggest problem in the world considering it would only be a day or two of down time. My only question is why the hell does July have to have 31 days in it? Damn you calendar people.
As long as we are damning people, I’ve got a few more people to damn. What kind of people would need to be damned you ask? Well, mostly the breathing variety, but to be more specific…. customers. Yes, they suck and they always will. We are running this lame ass 10/$10 sale this week. Lame as hell, don’t even tell me because I already know. The stupid thing is how many dumb asses have to ask how much one of them costs. Hmmm, well let me see, take 10 divided into 10, carry the 5, change the negative into a positive, round off to the next higher number and you have um… $1. Fuckin’ duh. Yes, life is grand in retail.