So in case this is the first time you’ve ever read something on this page, let me bring you up to speed on my past three years of this computer technology called “blogging.” Here are the facts we’ve established: 1) My job sucks. 2) Weather in Wisconsin sucks. 3) Customers Suck. 4) I love to revamp my web pages and I am now taking classes to make my sites even better and hopefully launch a career in web design. 5) My job still sucks.
So you get the idea… After being an HBC manager for the past 10 years at my current job and being railroaded into doing books on some weekends, I think it’s all coming to an end. As much as I want to quit the store, a unique opportunity came along in the last few days.
Our full time pricing manager is leaving in the next month or so. That leaves a full time void for one job. Let me stress that part again: ONE JOB. See, right now I am the HBC/GM manager, I am the only back up to bookkeeping and I also fill in at the service counter when needed, and like this past Monday I also get to do some cashiering. Unless I sniffed too much gasoline this afternoon while I was mowing the lawn; that makes four different jobs I’m doing at the moment. That’s three too many; or four however you look at it. Anyway whatever I had planned to do next week is down the toilet now. We are implementing a brand new pricing system at our store and will have new computers and new programs to run. Since our current pricing manager is leaving and the training sessions are next week, it’s been decided that I should learn to do the job now instead of her learning and then teaching me when she leaves.
Part one of this is good… I get off from work tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The bad part is I’ll be stuck in the Twin Cities somewhere next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for 8 hour meetings each day. Of course I come back on Friday and I have to prep up for inventory and then Saturday and Sunday I have to do books. I’m hoping that job will end quickly soon so I can have my weekends back again.
Did I mention that part of it? I won’t have to work every other weekend anymore. I will have to work one Saturday a month for roughly 45 minutes. I think I can swing that.
What about school you ask? Well I’m still doing that as well and if a web design job comes along, even a very green entry level position, I’m still gone. My only plan where I’m at now is to make my time there a little easier, but when my train comes along, I’m damn sure getting on it.