Well, I think the page is finally working like it should now. I actually moved the blog over to the main part of the page, so blog.disgruntledhuman.com will no longer be there. I figured that the blog should be the main page in the site, and now all the pages will look the same and will all be in the same directory. I think I’m going to go on a sub domain deleting spree. I have the following that can go: 3rdbass, boards, blog, petenice, and mcserch. Of course all of the 3rd Bass related stuff has been moved to it’s own domain so I don’t need those anymore and my blog is now gone. This will only leave the couple test sub domains left that I use to try out new shit online and show people, and it will leave Lisa’s page and my Cartman page.
In other news, I’m off of work tomorrow and it’s going to be nice to sleep in for a while. I think I’ll try to sleep until at least 7am if I can. I have trouble staying in bed that late now since I’m usually working for two hours by 7. Oh well, not tomorrow.