I only know this because I’m going to be off for four days after tomorrow. Hell, I even get paid for Thursday and Friday. This is probably the first Friday after Thanksgiving that I’ve had off in the past 11 years which is pretty cool. Like I mentioned, there is no way in hell I’m going to be out shopping and fighting on Friday morning for whatever bullshit the stores are trying to sell at a cheap price. For one, I don’t even see anything that I want or need in the papers and for two, I’m not that fucking retarded. In fact I’m finally adjusting to not dealing with suck ass customers, it would be like a relapse if I wound up in a store at 5am full of annoyed hung over women trying to get their hands on the hottest toys and electronics. In fact I think it would be more awkward than that time I saw Michael Richards perform at the Apollo.
I’m excited because I’m almost done with my class in school and then I’ll have a month off without any homework and I will hopefully be able to play catch up with everything else pressing going on in my life. What those pressing matters are I’m not sure, but every time I decide to do homework, my mind thinks up about 5,000 other things I could be doing; I have the neatest sock drawer this side of the Mississippi. I’m still trying to decide if I should buy myself something nice or not. Ever since the TV fiasco I’m almost thinking I shouldn’t get anything because it feels like it will break or not be as cool as I thought it would be. I do have what I want pretty much narrowed down to three things though. A new digital camera, an MP3 player (I have one, but I mean a big one like the new 80GB IPod), or a PS2. That isn’t a typo, I said PS2 because I’m sure PS3 isn’t readily available anymore and there is no way in hell I’d shell out $600 for a fucking gaming system. I’m having hard time accepting $129 for a PS2. Who knows, maybe I’ll just save the money and when I get my taxes back I’ll get a new TV from somewhere else besides ShitNBC. Then again, I’ll probably just put it all in savings.