This is basically just a fucked off entry to test out this new 3.2 version of Movable type. If it works well then I will probably upgrade Lisa’s blog too. Of course the pain in the ass time I had doing my own makes me not want to upgrade hers, although I’m sure I will eventually. I think that this new version is pretty cool from what I’ve seen so far with it. There is a lot more potential with this version than there has been with past versions. The only thing I don’t really like is the templates for it. That is why if you’re reading this right now you’ll notice that the blog looks pretty sad. Not sad like a dog that’s left home, but sad like plain and simple.
Oh well, I’ve been here before with my blog, back to square one, and I’m sure that I will be able to make the site even better than before in due time. In fact my main plan is to make the blog the main page over at the main site and all other pages on my main site will link from the blog. It will be cool and it will mean my main site will always have new content on it, well at least whenever I take the time to write something down here that is.