I absolutely cannot wait until Wednesday morning because then I won’t have to hear any political ads on the radio for a while. I guess listening to piped in music at the grocery store sheltered me from broadcast radio where the political ad to song ratio is something like five to one. I wouldn’t mind political ads if they said something I really gave a shit about. Whatever happened to the ability to express your positive side? I would love to hear more politicians telling me their track record and what they want to do instead of telling me stupid shit about their opponents. I remember being in grade school and the mentality back then was that if you could make the other kid look bad then you would look good, or at least better. Now that was in first grade, but these politicians are a lot older, some even educated supposedly and all they can talk about are the wrongdoings of everyone else. I’m pretty sure I won’t even vote this year because even though it’s not even November 7th yet, I’m wore out.
I’m totally surprised that I haven’t heard any of them come out and say something like… my opponent supports euthanization at the animal shelter; if you vote for my opponent, you’re a puppy killer. Between the radio ads and the dumb ass dildos that plaster their front lawns with signs I am just hoping I can make it to Wednesday without snapping.
What other fun and exciting things are going on around here? Hey, Fed Ex showed up the other day to pick up my television that I sent back already. Apparently the first time when I called the manufacturer and they said they’d take it back, they weren’t kidding. Unfortunately for the Fed Ex people and the douche bags at the company, I’ve already sent it back. When I called the company that I bought the TV from (not the ones that built it) and told them I was just going to flat out return it I asked if I could have my billing pushed back so that instead of getting a credit card bill I would instead just have it pushed back and then my account would be credited before I was billed. Did I make that sound complicated, because apparently according to them it is? Oh I should clarify here, “them” is ShopNBC and I wouldn’t buy a TV from them ever again. Anyway, I called for my return and asked to stop this billing on October 8th. I was told by them that there would be no problem with that and they would stop my billing before it was sent to the credit card company and that way everything would be sorted out… except that the fuckers billed me on September 27th. Luckily for me I used my Capital One and when you call them and tell them that you returned something and are being charged, they don’t fuck around. They said not to pay them the money and they were billing back ShopNBC the entire amount and would put it in as a dispute. I was like… fuck yeah, show them bastards. The only other thing going on with me is school work, and lots of it. That is my main focus right now and once all of this TV mess is behind me, I might check into buying a different type, not from ShitNBC though.