Sunday, April 6

What in the hell is with this stupid ass yearly thing of turning the clocks ahead an hour? Who are we trying to fool anyway. My body knows it still has an hour until bedtime, no matter what the fucking Timex says. Who comes up with this stupid shit in this country anyway? Sure the sun stays up for another hour, but what good does that do me anyway? I’m usually home before now anyway. And who really gets up at 2am to change their clocks? I certainly don’t, I’d like to meet someone who does, just so I could kick their ass. I think if they really want to make this practical, then you should make it on a Friday afternoon. Who wouldn’t love to shave an hour off their Friday at work. I sure the hell would.

Bought something this morning. I’ve only told two people what it is, and I will be able to tell the world very soon.

Saturday, April 5

It’s Saturday and we got an inch of snow last night. Not a lot, just enough to make every fucking thing white again. I managed to get back and forth to work Thursday and Friday driving in the lovely ice storm we had. That was real fun.

Luckily they dumped enough salt and sand on the roads that I think they deteriorated the top inch of pavement also, so it wasn’t slick while I was driving.

I bitch so much about the weather here that I think I should just say fuck it and become the weatherman in town. I’d be pretty good at it, and there wouldn’t be any of that stupid barometric pressure bullshit talk going on either. It would either be, umbrella, sunglasses, coat or hide in the basement. That would be all I’d have to do. See this big blob of green shit, well if you can figure out where the hell on this map you live, and this is going over you… then you’re fucked. It would be that simple.

Thursday, April 3

Ice storm. This is fucked up beyond belief. So far no real problems aside from the few idiots that feel the need for speed even when they are driving on glare ice. Fuck them, let them roll over. I would say how sick and tired of this weather I am, but I hate to fucking repeat myself over and over.

Haven’t wrote this here before, but I have been on the Atkin’s diet for a little over a month now. I’ve lost over 30 pounds already and it’s finally noticeable I guess. I’ve had people at work starting to ask me if I’m losing weight and what I’m doing etc…

Notice that never happens when you are gaining weight. No one comes up to you and goes..hey Bob, you’re packin on the pounds there, whatcha doing, eating a six pack of Snickers every night before bed?

Tuesday, April 1

Hey… It’s April Fool’s Day, and you know what that means. Absolutely nothing. Didn’t even see one April Fool’s Joke or anything. How lame we’ve become. No Vaseline on the doorknobs, itching powder in the socks…NOTHING! What is wrong with all of you? You should all be ashamed of your lack of enthusiasm.

Almost 60 here today, only mid 30’s tomorrow. This weather is getting annoying. Actually it isn’t getting, it’s been annoying for a while.

Power went out at work again today. It was out for about 10 minutes. I was just getting ready to get out of there and everything went black. Couldn’t punch out and leave after that, had to stick around ’til it came back on. Damn power outages anyway.