Sunday, April 6

What in the hell is with this stupid ass yearly thing of turning the clocks ahead an hour? Who are we trying to fool anyway. My body knows it still has an hour until bedtime, no matter what the fucking Timex says. Who comes up with this stupid shit in this country anyway? Sure the sun stays up for another hour, but what good does that do me anyway? I’m usually home before now anyway. And who really gets up at 2am to change their clocks? I certainly don’t, I’d like to meet someone who does, just so I could kick their ass. I think if they really want to make this practical, then you should make it on a Friday afternoon. Who wouldn’t love to shave an hour off their Friday at work. I sure the hell would.

Bought something this morning. I’ve only told two people what it is, and I will be able to tell the world very soon.