It’s a bird, it’s a plane… it’s Super Tuesday

Hey, it’s Super Tuesday. You know, you would think there might actually be something super about it, but I can’t really figure out what that is. When I first heard about it I was stoked because I thought maybe the new Spiderman movie was coming out or something, then I heard it was just some political shit. I guess anything would be better than Bush getting another four years. The only way I’d ever vote for that fucker is if I was voting him off the island.

I see they are doing their annual list of the most stolen cars again. Let’s see how it ranked last year. The ten most commonly stolen in order of frequency of theft are:

1. Toyota Camry
2. Olds Cutlass/Supreme/Ciera
3. Buick LeSabre
4. Olds Delta 88/Royale
5. Honda Civic
6. Chev Caprice
7. Honda Accord
8. Chev Cavalier
9. Buick Century
10. Plymouth Voyager/Grand Voyager

Well, that’s good; I’m safe for another year. Who the hell would want a Mustang anyway? None of the dealers that I’ve taken it to, that’s for sure.

And the winner is… ah, who cares?

Did you see those Academy Awards last night? I thought they were supposed to tame that shit down. That one chick was totally naked, then the second chick walked in and; oh wait, that wasn’t the Academy Awards, that was a porno I was watching. My mistake.

I’ve been doing this blog thing for almost three years now. I have just recently started this whole new blog thing which is somewhat cool. Since I am being burnt out at work I really haven’t had much of an ambition to write anything worthwhile in here. Maybe I just haven’t had anything worthwhile happen to me. Let’s see, what happened today? I went to work, I came home from work. I did see a tanker truck in the ditch on my way home. I guess “in the ditch” is a little of an understatement. This semi was buried into the hillside, meaning the fucker hit it going a good 60 miles an hour or so. My friend had drove by this about 3 hours earlier than I did and informed me that there was a car involved. The car was completely smashed to hell which is no surprise, just wonder if the person in the car survived or not.

Anyway, back to my blog thing. There is actually an article I found online talking about blogs saying that: The Pew Internet and American Life Project, in a study released Sunday, found that somewhere between 2 percent and 7 percent of adult Internet users in the United States actually keep their own blogs. Of those, only about 10 percent update them daily, the majority doing so only once a week or less often. See dammit, I’m ahead of schedule then. Actually this week is going to be a burn out for me I think, meaning less blog entries, going to bed earlier than normal and all of that fun bullshit. Come on Lotto!!!