It’s a bird, it’s a plane… it’s Super Tuesday

Hey, it’s Super Tuesday. You know, you would think there might actually be something super about it, but I can’t really figure out what that is. When I first heard about it I was stoked because I thought maybe the new Spiderman movie was coming out or something, then I heard it was just some political shit. I guess anything would be better than Bush getting another four years. The only way I’d ever vote for that fucker is if I was voting him off the island.

I see they are doing their annual list of the most stolen cars again. Let’s see how it ranked last year. The ten most commonly stolen in order of frequency of theft are:

1. Toyota Camry
2. Olds Cutlass/Supreme/Ciera
3. Buick LeSabre
4. Olds Delta 88/Royale
5. Honda Civic
6. Chev Caprice
7. Honda Accord
8. Chev Cavalier
9. Buick Century
10. Plymouth Voyager/Grand Voyager

Well, that’s good; I’m safe for another year. Who the hell would want a Mustang anyway? None of the dealers that I’ve taken it to, that’s for sure.