It can’t be. Mc Donald’s is going to phase out their super-sized menu. By the end of 2004, Supersize will no longer be available at the nation’s 13,000-plus McDonald’s outlets except in certain promotions.

What sort of promotion would that end up being? How about the ‘big fat ass’ promotion. Does McDonald’s think they are that important in the grand scheme of things that by cutting 20 fries and 12oz of pop out of everyone’s meals that it’s going to make that much of a difference? The people that are fat and don’t care that they are will just order another fry. The people that are conscious probably didn’t supersize that sonofabitch in the first place. The food is still prepared in the same way, so eating less isn’t going to do too much for you. Does that mean a smoker can cut a half inch off all of their cigarettes and then they won’t ever get cancer? It doesn’t work that way.