2006… Out

Wow, that was a fun year wasn’t it? I think I managed to blog a little over once a month if I was lucky which makes me wonder… what the fuck happened to me in 2006?

Let’s see how my year ran down. January was pretty much normal for the year. I started my year much like I ended 2005. I was working in retail as a pricing manager and still pretty much hated my job. I’d have to say as far as the last many years go, January was the closest to any of them.

February was the beginning of the changes to come that would shape my year out. I got my new phone in February which to my surprise is still alive and kicking to this day. Towards the end of February my grandma died of lung cancer. That was kind of weird because she had been repetitively sick with pneumonia the last two years and the nursing home would just say oh well and have her put on antibiotics. Then finally a doctor decided to look into the whole “recurring” part of this and that’s when the tumor was found and it was only a week later that she died. February did have an upside to it though, and that was the prospect of getting the fuck out of retail… enter March.

Ah, March… blue skies, Barthy burgers, girls. (If you don’t get that reference, then there’s nothing I can do to help you.) Anyway, March comes along and on the 15th I get to do something that I had dreamed about for quite some time… give my notice at my place of business. Honestly, if you never have in your life… you must. There is no greater feeling at work then letting the people that are your bosses know you’re on your way out the door.

The whole rest of the year pretty much revolved around me working my new job and taking classes for my new job. My blogging slacked because of it, but it’s a small price to pay for my sanity.
I actually enjoyed the holidays this year. I wasn’t out singing carols to people or anything like that but I did notice that for the first time in a long time they didn’t feel overbearing. Of course I also had a shitload of days off around the holidays which is the first time that’s ever happened since I was just a jobless slacking kid in school.

I guess the only thing I have to do now is sit around and see what 2007 will have in store for me.

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