So I Lied… Again

I know I said that I would be doing the blog more now that I am not at my bullshit stressful retail job, but apparently that was a lie. My new job isn’t nearly as stressful or full of bullshit, but then again I’ve only been there for three weeks now. I could go on another tirade of how my new job isn’t retail just to annoy Lisa, but I think I’ve beat that dead horse to death, instead I’ll just mention how I switched jobs at the right time since the gas price has decided to reach for the sky. A little quick math lesson here, my old job was about a 30 mile round trip each day, multiplied by 5 days (during a good week) would mean 150 miles minimum that I was putting on my car. This past week do you know how many miles I put on going to work? Well, do you? A little over 20 miles is all I put on this week, not including the other 20 miles I put on just driving around to other places. I saved 130 miles of driving for the past 3 weeks and now with gas just teetering on the edge of that $3 mark, I’m extremely happy. When I quit my job gas was still around $2.29 or maybe $2.49, what the fuck do I look like, a gas price historian? I know you’re probably waiting for me to start bitching about the high price of gas but it really doesn’t bother me anymore. The thing that really annoys me about it is that every time I turn on my television I have to see a report about it. Oh, we are being gouged and this is unjust and wah wah wah… look, if it takes $3 gas to make you realize that you’re being gouged in this world then it’s about time you woke up and smelled the coffee. The extremely cold coffee I might mention, since it took you so long to figure it out.

If I was going to bitch about something it would probably be the episode of South Park that was on last week considering no regular characters were on (and no, Towelie isn’t a regular character as far as I’m concerned). However I don’t really feel like wasting my time pissing and moaning about that either.

Hey, on the bright side, my class is over and done with, although I do have to attempt to sign up for some starting in June. So far all they are offering me are flex lab classes but I need to find out how much of a flex they are offering. If I am able to go after work and do my stuff then it would be great, but none of this 7am to 3 shit, because I can’t cut away from work like that. On the plus side I’ll have some financial help from work to get my classes paid for so that will be a headache I can do without.

I guess if I’m looking for excuses as to why I haven’t blogged lately I can use the one that I’ve been developing a website for someone and now I’ve gotten a bug up my ass to redo this website. I know, you’re shocked that I’d be redeveloping my site yet again. I’ve got a basic layout in mind but I’m not sure which way I’m leaning yet so it might be a completely different look from what is in my head right now, and most likely will be. That’s the thing about being indecisive, I’ll make a page about 10 times before I’m satisfied and that will be the one I do. Maybe I’m not indecisive, I’m just perfect.

A New Day

Today was the first day of my new job. My new non retail job for those of you wondering. That’s right, in case I haven’t already rubbed it into certain people like Lisa enough; I’m no longer stuck in a grocery store. I have seen the top of the mountain, and it is good. My first day there went rather well, however instead of watching videos all day long as I had thought I would, I actually wound up doing some basic data entry. Here’s a little hint for those of you scratching your head and wondering why I’m not online… when I spend 8 hours of my day staring into the abyss that is Microsoft Excel, coming home and staring into my lovely flat panel Dell monitor isn’t anything I desire to do, even if I’m looking at naked chicks. I actually had a headache today, most likely a combination of stress of starting a new job and learning new stuff and staring into a computer for that long of a time and actually accomplishing something. See, that’s the other thing, unless I’m doing schoolwork or working on a website, I don’t really accomplish anything at home on my computer. Did I mention that I already have this coming Friday off for Good Friday? Good Friday indeed, especially since I don’t have to work. I probably failed to mention that I am also going to get a paycheck this Thursday too. I’m already getting paid for what I’m working now, and I haven’t even gotten my vacation check from my last job, which should be a good one by the way.

What else is going on aside from me not working retail anymore (Lisa)… ha-ha…? Let’s see, easter is all set up and almost over with so what will you be doing in a week? Oh yeah, marking down all of your Easter that didn’t sell and putting out spring and summer shit… maybe I’ll come down and steal a pool from you.

Hey, I put my new 3rd Bass website up last week. That was pretty fun, I was up until 1am Saturday morning doing it, and I suffered with a hell of a headache afterwards, but it’s done, at least for the most part. There are a few more tweaks I may add in the future, but I left the ability to do that open so I won’t have to do any major overhauls when and if I do add anything.
Focker Out!

I No Longer Have To…

I was going to write this last Friday, then I put it off and I was going to put it up on Saturday but that was April Fool’s day and since I really didn’t have much else to fool with, I posted the fake blog entry announcing my exit from the internet world. However, on that subject, I do truly think that I do waste entirely too much time online and although I will not cut my internet time off completely, once I start my new job I will most likely cut back. I think the hierarchy will go something like this: First priority will be school, second will be web pages and third will be instant pestering… in that order. Anyway, back to what I was going to write last Friday.

Friday was my last day at my old job. God it feels nice to say that, it rolls off the tongue so nicely… old job. I love it. I can honestly say that even though there are some people there that I will miss dearly, no tears were shed by me as I collected my check at noon and stuck around for about 45 minutes afterwards making my rounds and telling people goodbye and all of that shit. There was no feeling that I had made a mistake and that I would regret it or any of that. The only thing I felt as I walked out the doors for the last time was relief. How do I spell relief? Q-U-I-T. They say when you die that your life flashes before your eyes, well when I walked out the door for the final time, a lot of shit flashed before my eyes as I was reminded that I would never have to do it again. I’ll share some of that shit with you and those of you that still work in retail can try harder to quit your shitty retail jobs. I’m going to include some of the shit I did when I worked HBC because even though that wasn’t my job the last eight months, I had a hard time convincing upper management of that. Plus it’s an extra jab at Lisa.

Things I don’t have to do anymore:

  • I no longer have to deal with stupid customers asking me stupid questions.
  • I no longer have to order any holiday merchandise.
  • I no longer have to put up holiday merchandise and hear people whine because I’m rushing things.
  • I no longer have to hang a gajillion price changes.
  • I no longer have to get up at 3 or 4 am everyday just to go to work.
  • I no longer have to drive 16 miles one way just to go to work.
  • I no longer have to be in bed by 9pm so I can get up so early.
  • I no longer have to deal with shipped in immigrants that don’t speak the language asking me questions about products that don’t exist.
  • I no longer have to help some woman figure out which feminine hygiene product will best fit her needs… not to mention her profusely bleeding crotch.
  • I no longer have to greet people like they are my best friends that I haven’t seen for years. That’s right, no more fake niceness from me… or real for that matter.
  • I no longer have to wear a tie.
  • I no longer have to put up with people and their obnoxious crotch drippings coming in the store and wrecking the place.
  • And I no longer have to be take people to items in the store because they are too stupid to read the big ass signs in the aisles telling them where the shit is.

That’s right, I no longer am a slave to the business after working two jobs for the last 16 years in retail grocery. The next time I am in a grocery store and a customer happens to ask me something, I get to say the best four words ever invented… I DON’T WORK HERE.


Since my last day of work was yesterday I’ve been thinking of a lot of different things. The main thing is my dependence on the internet and the time that I waste on it. Whether it’s using instant pestering or wasting time creating web pages and web sites or just surfing the web, it’s absorbing entirely too much of my life.

I think I quit.
