Way to go NASA, letting yet another spacecraft crash into the ground. Fortunately this time no humans had to die. So we spent $264 million dollars on this thing to collect solar dust and then Jimmy, the head of the parachute department at NASA, forgot to hook up the parachutes to this craft a couple years ago after a long drinking spree the night before. Wonderful. I’m sure for a fraction of the cost you could have gotten some angel dust down the street and saved us, the taxpayers, a ton of money. But of course, being a government agency they decided that there was no need for that because if there’s something we have plenty of in this country, it’s money.
So at any rate, this thing crashes into the desert and busts open and I would assume spills it’s content all over the desert that it slammed into. Isn’t there some sort of contamination going on there? Luckily it slammed into the desert in Utah, where the only living things are lizards and Mormons.
So I wonder if anyone will get fired over this whole thing. I highly doubt it. If Rumsfield doesn’t get fired over prison abuse stuff, then I doubt anyone at NASA is going to be working a drive-thru anytime soon. Of course an article on CNN said this: Because of Earth’s electromagnetic field, much of the sun’s deadly radiation and material never reaches the planet’s surface.
Yes, until we spilled it all over the desert in Utah… Way to go NASA.