There She Blows

Oh no, it’s a Hurricane. In fact it’s Hurricane Frances. I actually heard reporters slightly mention that this hurricane wasn’t as bad as Hurricane Charlie. However you notice that it pretty much ruled the news for a week straight. Why you ask, because they hyped it up so much before it ever even got to Florida that they had to stick with it and make it look really bad. When you evacuate that many people out of a state you have to make it look like they would have all died before they get back. I’m not saying this hurricane was nothing, because it was destructive, but most hurricanes are. I guess if you are going to live in Florida you live to expect that every year your whole life could get blown away in a night. One thing I noticed when I was watching this whole thing unfold on live TV. Why the fuck do these reporters think they need to stand in the middle of the damn hurricane? You could just as effectively sit your ass in a room with the camera pointed out the window and show us it that way. The only reason I even watched coverage of the hurricane this time is because I was waiting for one of those cocksuckers to get hit by some sort of flying debris. I don’t want to see them killed, but to see a garbage can come flying by and knock one of those stupid bastards in their blue or yellow raincoats down would be poetic justice. Then they could continue to report from their new ground position and tell us that’s how bad the hurricane force winds are. That and ask for someone to pull the Rubbermaid trash can out of their ass. I guess I just don’t understand why these reporters stand out there and report like that. Has any reporter ever won an award for doing this; I don’t think so. Plus the fact that so many before them have done this it doesn’t even make it impressive anymore either. You know what, if you want to impress me newsboy, then tie yourself to a fucking pole and jump in the air and see how long you stay there in the wind. That would impress me.

As long as we’re talking about shitty weather, I might as well talk about mine. Yesterday when I left work it was so fucking humid you could hardly breathe. You know, where you walk and if any part of you touches another part of you, it’s sticking. So after work I go home and turn on the fan and relax a while. Today of course it is really nice, no humidity and what not. Well, to go from what we had yesterday to what we are enjoying today, in Wisconsin you usually get some nasty storms. So I was watching the weather on TV and I see tornado warnings in Eastern Minnesota and then they start heading our way. One by one each county is being lit up in the path of the storm and ours was next in line. So around 7:30 or so our tornado sirens go off and apparently we were under a warning until 8:30 or somewhere around then. The only problem was that nothing was going on. It was raining out but it wasn’t even lightning and thundering out. Of course I couldn’t have heard it thunder over the fucking sirens. I think as far as sounds that I hate go, tornado siren ranks up there with alarm clock. So anyway, no tornados hit here that I know of and unfortunately my workplace was still there when I got there this morning. So I guess life goes on.