Click It, Ticket, or Fuck It…

My local police as well as your local police are embarking on a wonderful mission today looking for horrible offenders that aren’t wearing their seatbelts. Apparently the police have solved all of the murders, stopped all the drug trafficking and arrested all the child predators and all they have left to do is make sure I’m wearing my seatbelt. Let’s get something straight first off, I do wear my seatbelt about 99.9% of the time when I’m driving and I do believe that seatbelts save lives; but, but… I don’t think it’s the job of the police to tell me to wear it. It isn’t even law that motorcyclists have to wear helmets in Wisconsin so why the hell should I be required by law to wear my seatbelt?

What’s next, are the police going to start kicking down doors when people are fucking and make sure they’re wearing their condoms? Maybe they could bust into a house around dinner time and make sure that the baby is secured in the high chair.

You know, the whole problem I have with this is that it’s fake. The police don’t care if you travel safely or not. If you’re driving erratically or drinking and driving then they care because you could hurt others, but if you hurt yourself they don’t give a shit. This is not about your safety; it’s nothing more than a fund raiser for your local police department. If I happen to get a ticket because I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt when I drove to the gas station I’m going to submit it at the end of the year as a tax write off because that’s all it is, a fucking donation.

What else is going on around here? I’m all signed up for some summer classes which will start on June 5th. I am taking two accounting classes and one Microsoft Excel class. I’m thinking that my summer will be pretty full and my life probably will be the next couple years while I work full time and try to get my degree. It should be pretty worth it though because at least I’ll have an education and job experience in the field and I can move up in the company or possibly even move on to another company. Of course that is way into the future and nothing I’m even thinking about right now. I think my job finally clicked over the last week or so because I’m about 90% on my own and I actually understand what I’m doing and why, much unlike the first two weeks there. That’s a good confidence booster to know that you’re doing the job and you can make it work without a lot of help. I like being independent in my job, especially considering I did it like that for the first 15 years of my working life. I need to work hard because my phone bill from March is huge. I was on the phone a lot because I was quitting my job and I was excited and talking to everyone. Well apparently I talked to EVERYONE because I went over my minutes by about 550. That’s 550 minutes which translates to a phone bill over $200. Yeah, it definitely sucks ass but I looked over the bill and I know I made all the calls so all I can do is pay the bill. I guess I’ll have no choice but to buckle up for sure now because I can’t afford a ticket with humongous phone bills like that.


  1. Oh dude….you know I couldn’t let that dumbass rambling go unchallenged. You truly think that the police don’t care whether or not you’re wearing your seatbelt – try being married to a guy who investigates fatal crashes for a living who spends 50 + hours on a crash and reconstructing the life of the person who died because he/she didn’t wear her seatbelt. Try saying over and over again, “I know sweetheart” when the solution for the cop is simple – if only they’d worn their seatbelts. And if it were truly a fundraiser or donation for the department – then wouldn’t they make better money? Ask a cop what he makes – and you’ll be surprised to hear the answer. The money is not bad – but it certainly isn’t compensatory for the duties that are done.
    And sorry – but the condom & high chair comment is just ignorant. Wearing your seatbelt is a LAW – wearing a condom and securing your child in a high chair is NOT A LAW. Should cops be breaking down your door for illegally manufacturing drugs, or for neglecting your child – absolutely. If it saves lives – I want them doing it. It’s called proactive law enforcement – trust me the cops would probably rather be doing something other than pulling your dumbass over for not wearing your seatbelt – but if that $50.00 (or whatever it is in your state) ticket corrects your bad behavior (not wearing your seatbelt) then the ticket has served its purpose.

  2. Oh dude….you know I couldn’t let that dumbass rambling go unchallenged. You truly think that the police don’t care whether or not you’re wearing your seatbelt – try being married to a guy who investigates fatal crashes for a living who spends 50 + hours on a crash and reconstructing the life of the person who died because he/she didn’t wear her seatbelt. Try saying over and over again, “I know sweetheart” when the solution for the cop is simple – if only they’d worn their seatbelts. And if it were truly a fundraiser or donation for the department – then wouldn’t they make better money? Ask a cop what he makes – and you’ll be surprised to hear the answer. The money is not bad – but it certainly isn’t compensatory for the duties that are done.
    And sorry – but the condom & high chair comment is just ignorant. Wearing your seatbelt is a LAW – wearing a condom and securing your child in a high chair is NOT A LAW. Should cops be breaking down your door for illegally manufacturing drugs, or for neglecting your child – absolutely. If it saves lives – I want them doing it. It’s called proactive law enforcement – trust me the cops would probably rather be doing something other than pulling your dumbass over for not wearing your seatbelt – but if that $50.00 (or whatever it is in your state) ticket corrects your bad behavior (not wearing your seatbelt) then the ticket has served its purpose.

  3. I do think that seatbelts save lives and I do wear mine almost always, but I don’t think it is any of the police department’s business if people wear their seatbelts or not.
    If wearing the seatbelt is law, then there are other things that need to be laws too, like no eating or drinking while driving (and I’m not talking about alcohol), NO talking on the cell phone, no makeup applying, tooth brushing, reading, fucking with the radio etc… because let’s be honest, most of the time these are the stupid assholes that cause the accidents.
    On a side note, wearing a condom shouldn’t only be law, but it should be mandatory for anyone under 23 because there are too many worthless pregnancies out there.

  4. I do think that seatbelts save lives and I do wear mine almost always, but I don’t think it is any of the police department’s business if people wear their seatbelts or not.
    If wearing the seatbelt is law, then there are other things that need to be laws too, like no eating or drinking while driving (and I’m not talking about alcohol), NO talking on the cell phone, no makeup applying, tooth brushing, reading, fucking with the radio etc… because let’s be honest, most of the time these are the stupid assholes that cause the accidents.
    On a side note, wearing a condom shouldn’t only be law, but it should be mandatory for anyone under 23 because there are too many worthless pregnancies out there.

  5. It’s the law…….therefore it is their business. Literally. You’re right – talking on cell phones, putting on makeup, etc….should be against the law – and in most states it “somewhat” is – it’s called inattentive driving. But there has to be more than one factor in inattentive driving….and as for the condom thing, while I agree that kids are fucking too young, I don’t believe in a worthless pregancy – it has worth to someone. I think you should have to have a degree of some kind – not necessarily a college degree – to get to have sex and make babies.

  6. It’s the law…….therefore it is their business. Literally. You’re right – talking on cell phones, putting on makeup, etc….should be against the law – and in most states it “somewhat” is – it’s called inattentive driving. But there has to be more than one factor in inattentive driving….and as for the condom thing, while I agree that kids are fucking too young, I don’t believe in a worthless pregancy – it has worth to someone. I think you should have to have a degree of some kind – not necessarily a college degree – to get to have sex and make babies.

  7. This drives me batshit. No, it is NOT the police department’s job to make sure anyone is wearing a seat belt. It shouldn’t even be a law, except as it pertains to children. An adult is free to indulge in all kinds of behaviors that may or may not prove fatal, whether it’s serial overeating or smoking cigarettes, blah blah blah. And why are they free to do this? Because it’s THEIR life, THEIR body, and THEIR potential consequences if something goes wrong. A person should be allowed to take whatever risks they feel comfortable with, as long as the damage that can result affects no one but THEM. Same thing should apply to seatbelts. A child is the exception because a child isn’t old enough to make that decision for themselves, but an adult? That wants to take the risk of driving without a seat belt on? Totally their call. It IS just a way for the government to make more money. There are other things they should be spending their time on, like the idiot with the penis issue on highway 65 who will drive 95 miles an hour in an effort to make sure no one ever passes him. EVER.
    God, I could go off about this for hours… Thanks for getting me started, DH.

  8. This drives me batshit. No, it is NOT the police department’s job to make sure anyone is wearing a seat belt. It shouldn’t even be a law, except as it pertains to children. An adult is free to indulge in all kinds of behaviors that may or may not prove fatal, whether it’s serial overeating or smoking cigarettes, blah blah blah. And why are they free to do this? Because it’s THEIR life, THEIR body, and THEIR potential consequences if something goes wrong. A person should be allowed to take whatever risks they feel comfortable with, as long as the damage that can result affects no one but THEM. Same thing should apply to seatbelts. A child is the exception because a child isn’t old enough to make that decision for themselves, but an adult? That wants to take the risk of driving without a seat belt on? Totally their call. It IS just a way for the government to make more money. There are other things they should be spending their time on, like the idiot with the penis issue on highway 65 who will drive 95 miles an hour in an effort to make sure no one ever passes him. EVER.
    God, I could go off about this for hours… Thanks for getting me started, DH.

  9. Wow – and I wonder how you justify drunk driving. It’s an adults choice to drink alcohol and drive – it’s their body, their life, their potential consequences? Guess what? I don’t think so! By not wearing their seatbelt – the consequences don’t affect just them – when they are the only person in the car and no other car is involved and they die – guess what? That persons mom suffers, that persons brother suffers, etc… I’m sure you’ll say, “Oh now we have to think about others before we make our own personal choices? Wow – what a world this would be if we did…

  10. Wow – and I wonder how you justify drunk driving. It’s an adults choice to drink alcohol and drive – it’s their body, their life, their potential consequences? Guess what? I don’t think so! By not wearing their seatbelt – the consequences don’t affect just them – when they are the only person in the car and no other car is involved and they die – guess what? That persons mom suffers, that persons brother suffers, etc… I’m sure you’ll say, “Oh now we have to think about others before we make our own personal choices? Wow – what a world this would be if we did…

  11. You’re kidding me, right? Someone’s sad if a loved one dies of massive heart failure, aided and abetted by a shitty diet and a lack of exercise. Does this mean the police will next monitor our twinkie intake? And you’d be right there behind them with pom-poms and a bullhorn?
    Seatbelts should be a personal decision because, other than the lamentations of the bereaved, the possible consequences of going without a seatbelt are going to be endured, or not, by one person. If the possible emotional ramifications were justification for ensuring someone always behaved in a perfectly safe and sedated manner (yes, I meant sedated), then you’d have no more skydiving, hiking, rapelling, water skiing, etc. ‘Cause those things? Could KILL YA.

  12. You’re kidding me, right? Someone’s sad if a loved one dies of massive heart failure, aided and abetted by a shitty diet and a lack of exercise. Does this mean the police will next monitor our twinkie intake? And you’d be right there behind them with pom-poms and a bullhorn?
    Seatbelts should be a personal decision because, other than the lamentations of the bereaved, the possible consequences of going without a seatbelt are going to be endured, or not, by one person. If the possible emotional ramifications were justification for ensuring someone always behaved in a perfectly safe and sedated manner (yes, I meant sedated), then you’d have no more skydiving, hiking, rapelling, water skiing, etc. ‘Cause those things? Could KILL YA.

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