Usually around this time of year all the stupid little mice decide that it’s too cold outside for them to hang out so they think they need to come inside. That means that the garage now looks like prime real estate for them to hang out in. I saw one in the garage on Saturday so that night I put a mouse trap out there with a little peanut butter on it. Sunday morning I get up and there we go. Dead mouse in a tripped trap; just as expected. So I decided on Sunday that maybe there was more than one mouse in the garage and I should repeat my mouse trapping expedition for another evening. So Sunday before going to bed I decided to set another trap. Well, I get up this morning and go check out the trap at breakfast time and there is no trap. So I look around a little more and the trap is over in the corner behind the garbage cans. Only problem is there is nothing in the trap. I was expecting at least a little mouse paw or something in there. Now I have to wonder whether or not I have some big ass rat in the garage that I just pissed off last night with my trap or hopefully just a slightly smart mouse.
Ah, it’s Columbus Day, whatever that means. I guess it means that the lazy ass mailman didn’t have to deliver me any mail because he gets another day off. I never did really understand why we celebrated Columbus Day. Columbus “discovered” America is usually what we’re told as to why we celebrate. Yes, Columbus discovered America, much in the same way as I discover Wal Mart every time I go there. Sure it was there and there were plenty people inside when I arrived, but I still plant my flag and conquer when I get there. I guess if I were a government employee and wanted yet another day off then I would accept the day with open arms and all, but I still don’t think it should be a holiday; but then again, what do I know?