And on the 7th Day He Posts…

Yes I have returned to grace you with yet another post about absolutely nothing you really give a shit about. I’m able to talk about nothing for two reasons, number one being that this is my blog, I own and pay for this web space and this domain name so I can say whatever I want (as long as I’m not retarded like the grocery boy in Milwaukee and make threats and get my ass incarcerated… which just goes to show you, when you work in a grocery store you’ll do anything to get away from the damn customers.) The second reason I can write anything is because today is my birthday.

That’s right it’s my birthday and you didn’t buy me anything did you. Shame on you, better start making excuses right now and maybe on the 8th day I’ll forgive you… maybe.

Let’s see, it’s been a week, something must have happened since the last time I posted a blog. Oh yeah, UPS pissed me off. The whole television saga that I’m having so much fun with is continuing and last Wednesday I got to ship my TV back to the fuckers I bought it from. Let me say that again… I got to ship it back. You might think if you sold someone some shitty equipment that you might just issue them a prepaid return label but no… I got to shell out $120 to ship a TV back. I was told that I could fax in my receipt and they would reimburse me, but we’ll just see if that happens or not. But Dave, why are you pissed at UPS? Well, let me get to that part… I get my cousin to come over with a pickup truck because you can’t fit a 42” broke ass TV into a Mustang no matter how hard you try. We load up the TV and haul it to UPS and I go inside and ask if I can get the cart to haul it in and the lady says sure then spazzes out and says, wait, I have to come out and measure it, because it may be too big for us to ship. Well she comes out and works her magic with her 10 year old tape measure and 2nd grade math skills and tells me that the package is too large and UPS won’t ship it. I kindly point out the “over 70 pound” UPS stickers all over the package and the shipping label that sent the TV my way in the first place which somehow was delivered by: you guessed it… UPS. Luckily for me there was someone else she asked and when I pointed out the labels of their company already on my box he said it was too large but they would make an exception and ship it for me. Well hot damn, my lucky day, to spend another 100 some dollars that is. So if you wonder why it took so long for me to blog about that, I think I had the word ‘fuck’ in there about 20000 times and decided to thin it out a little and mention it when I had my bearings back.

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