Another Dell?

I took the plunge again not even five years since the last time I did this in May of 2003. I ordered myself a new Dell computer. This one is an XPS 420 which apparently is supposed to appeal to either gamers or potheads… then again, what is the difference? Anyway, my wants for this are a little different; I want more speed and shit of that nature. I am of course getting Vista with this computer. Probably not exactly the way I want to go, but for what I do on my computer, I don’t think it will bother me too much. Unfortunately my poor scanner is going to have to take a ride somewhere; it is the only piece of hardware that isn’t going to make the cut on the new computer. Hey, my new computer will have a 22” widescreen Ultrasharp monitor with it… pretty fuckin’ sweet huh?

I received free overnight shipping on this computer which was rather nice… had they shipped through UPS. They didn’t, they shipped through DHL. I noticed on Monday that my computer had left the Dell facility so I was rather excited that I would have my new toy by Tuesday night. Well I had lined up someone to be at the house to accept delivery since it needed to be signed for (like I want my computer sitting on the steps anyway). Well as I’m sitting at work supposedly working hard, I kept an eye on my computers tracking and noticed that a little after 2pm it said that delivery was attempted and no one was home. I didn’t buy that shit so I called and confirmed someone was there to answer the door and that no one had shown to ring the bell. That pretty much put me into panic mode that DHL dude was attempting to drop my sweet ass computer at someone else’s house and I was highly pissed off at that point and time. I went online to the “chat” section of the DHL site and was told that if they attempted delivery that they would wait until the next business day before attempting delivery again. At least UPS will come back a second time around, so now I was highly pissed even more than before.

So now it’s Wednesday morning and I’m online at work again trying to track this fucker and figure out what was going on. Around 1:30 in the afternoon Mr. DHL calls me and wants to confirm that someone will be at the house since he didn’t have time to stop the day before. Whoa, back up there skippy, you totally skipped my place and put down that you attempted to stop? Now…. NOW, I’m extremely pissed off. I confirmed that someone was home and told him to call me if he gets to the house and nobody was there because I would leave work and accept delivery myself. Everything worked out though and I got home and opened my sweet new computer and then I had to go to fucking school for the night.

Now it’s Thursday morning and all I had accomplished was opening the new computer and looking at it and not being able to hook it up. Well that was enough for me, and I asked for the afternoon off from work so I could get cracking on this shit. I spent most of the afternoon getting this computer hooked up, downloading my new antivirus software and then downloading my new Office 2007 software. (hey, if you’re a college person and you have a .edu address, check out THIS website for a hell of a deal on this) and then I installed my Adobe Master Collection as well. I didn’t start transferring all of my files until almost 10 at night on Thursday. I had borrowed a two way network cable from work to connect both computers and I started transferring the big stuff and stayed up with it until about midnight. I decided to just let it do its thing while I went to bed after that, and when I woke up around 3am and checked on it, it was still not done. It didn’t finish until 5:30am which is also the time I woke up and stayed up because I had to go outside and shovel snow then. I got to work Friday and I was pretty much exhausted from staying up so late. Anyway, now I’m finally at the point where I have everything I really needed installed and running with the exception of the scanner which will see the new day at a garage sale or as a donation to Goodwill.
Now I just need to have some time to have fun and play with it. Damn school work.

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