Congratulations, it’s an idiot… just like you

Today when I got to work I found an empty 12 pack of condoms and an empty pregnancy test box. What the fuck is that about anyway? I guess if you are that big of a loser to steal a pack of condoms, I’d rather not have your worthless ass reproducing anyway. That’s all we need in our town is some more worthless parents attempting to raise their equally worthless kids in between their meth manufacturing and drinking and fucking around producing more demon seeds. Here, let me explain it to you and your fifth grade reading level. If you steal the condoms, then what in the fuck do you need the pregnancy test for? Follow me on this now, if you are knocked up, you really don’t need the condoms because you won’t get pregnant again, and if you use the condoms properly in the first place… YOU DON’T NEED THE FUCKING PREGNANCY TEST. Damn people get a little more stupid each day. Maybe they decided to fuck instead of watch the idiot President give his State of the Union (that he has destroyed) Address last night.

I know I missed it. I rented Freddy vs. Jason and watched that last night. That was much better than anything that could spew from GWB’s mouth. I have been a Freddy fan since somewhere around 8th grade, and I really can’t say I’m a Jason fan but I’ve seen a few of the movies. This is the movie that was years in the making. Shit, they were talking about making this movie back when I was still in High School. I think that one might actually make it into my collection. I would like to get the whole Nightmare box set DVD also, but that costs too much at the moment.