Do you know what one of the hottest new toys is going to be this year? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Didn’t we go through this shit about 18 years ago? I remember these from back in school. You couldn’t go anywhere without seeing something turtle related. Have we completely run out of shit to brainwash the kids with, that we are just going to start reviving shit from the past and pass it on as new? Hey fuck ’em, they weren’t around the first time, they’ll never know; but we do dammit. On the plus side, at least they will be playing with toys their fathers will understand, unlike them fucking Pokemon and Yugioh. I wonder if they are going to at least have better toys this time around, with some kind of funky actions. If they just bring back lame ass figurines it would suck. I guess retro is coming back in. I better dig out all my old blue jeans with the ripped out knees just in case.
I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to explain the way I think, or who I am, and I think I have it. I’m like a little voice in your head. Let’s say you are driving down the road and you see a car sitting on the side with their hood up. You drive by, but then a little farther down the road a little voice in your head says “you should have stopped and seen if you could help.” About 30 seconds later, another voice pops into your head and says “fuck that, they are probably just some psychotic killer looking for another victim.” That second voice is me. In cartoons when someone tries to make a decision, a little angel and a little devil pop up on their shoulders. I need not explain which one I am.