It’s a Nyquil Night

Another half a weekend gone already. Tomorrow is Sunday and then bam! Work all over again. Speaking of work, I set up cough and cold on Friday. That is always something fun to do. What I really like is the fact that even though the shit that I’m setting up on an endcap is the same that is in the aisle, people just can’t help but try and get in there and buy it. I don’t even have my signs up and they are asking me how much it is. First off if you need this stuff, step away from me when you speak, I don’t need your fucking germs, and next why don’t you walk the extra ten feet and buy it off the shelf where it’s clearly marked. I will probably start putting out window scrapers and shovels next week, since they are calling for overnight lows to dip into the mid 20’s. I’ll repeat that in case you’ve said “no fucking way.” Overnight lows are going to dip into the mid 20’s next week.

I redid my Atkins page in the personal section tonight. I have added quite a few things to it, including all my side view shots and a one week menu. I also have a few pointers on the page in case you had any questions. I did this as an answer to a request from a friend who is thinking of doing this. I think it should be pretty self explanatory. Since losing this weight, I am pretty much bombarded by people wanting to know what I did, how I did it etc… Atkins/low carb is quickly becoming the trend as I can tell from my retail position at work. I think damn near everything is going to be trying to come out with a low carb version of itself, much like the low fat craze quite a few years ago. This is probably a good time to be on the low carb lifestyle because you are going to have quite a few choices.