You look different

Yeah yeah yeah. I redid the page again. I can’t help it, it seems to be an addiction I have or something. I can’t stay away. I updated the Atkins page last night, and I thought well dammit, I might as well do the whole site. Actually I didn’t do anything to the content pages, just the directional pages, and I gave the blog a fresh new look to match. Other than the Atkins thing, pretty much everything is cosmetic.

This weather is really starting to piss me off. I know October is almost here and all, but does it really have to get down to the 20’s? I know for sure I’ll have to put those ice scrapers out tomorrow, because its going to get real frosty out there. If it snows, I might just snap. Last year we had a hell of a snow on October 21st. I don’t need to go through that shit again. I am kind of wishing that it doesn’t snow at all this year, maybe an inch for Christmas, then that shit can melt right off again.

I hate Sunday nights. You just sit there doing your thing, and everytime you look at the clock, you’re inevitably closer to going back to work. On a side note, whoever invented the digital alarm clock needs a severe beating. The noise those fucking things make to wake you up are some of the most hideous noises I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s no wonder I tend to wake up a half hour before the damn thing rings lately… my brain can’t take that shit anymore.