Ok, when I got home and checked my email today I find out I’ve got four new emails and each one just happens to be the new W32.Netsky.C@mm virus. So, I have Norton AV so I didn’t really care because they just go away. A little later I get an email from someone telling me thanks, it’s a virus. Wonderful, now my email has been spoofed as well and people are thinking I’m sending out a virus to them. Hopefully the person who got this virus only has like 10 people in their email box and this will be an isolated incident.
Oh what the hell else is going on around here? I’m starting to work in the office at work now. I just started training today to start doing some bookkeeping. The good thing about that is it is more eye candy for my resume. I think the book thing might actually help me expand the kind of jobs I’m interested in finding.
I see Jesus is back today. I thought he wasn’t coming back until Easter; I don’t even have the eggs colored yet. That was a little Jesus joke. Ok, I know I’m not the most religious person out there, but I guess I am not exactly sure of what all of the controversy is about. Well, I know what the controversy is about, I just think it is a little over the top. This is Mad Max directing this, let’s not forget that. It is a movie; the people in it are actors and it is there to make money; and make money it will. Controversy always equals money. Apparently it is a powerful movie as it has already killed one moviegoer. A middle-aged woman died of an apparent heart attack on Wednesday while watching the climactic crucifixion scene in “The Passion of the Christ” at a morning showing in Wichita, Kansas, a television station reported.