Are we having an identity crisis here? Whenever I can remember in my young years seeing a commercial for this place, it went something like this. Kentucky Fried Chicken, we do chicken right. That was the jingle and barring a bout with amnesia it’s stuck in my head forever. I can’t remember algebra, but I know that. Hell, their big signs outside used to say Kentucky Fried Chicken on it also.

I can’t remember when it happened, but it was during this whole Low-Fat fiasco we had in the late 80’s/early 90’s. Suddenly they were no longer Kentucky Fried, they were just KFC. The chicken was still fried, and to my knowledge (although disputable) it was still chicken.

Now with the success of the Low Carb craze KFC has decided to reinvent themselves yet again by adding words back on their acronym. Now we are to suddenly believe that KFC stands for Kitchen Fresh Chicken. Ok, first off there is no kitchen. You are a fast-food place, and you can call that thing in the back a kitchen if you want but we know better.

Fresh? Don’t even get me started on that one. At least we kept the word chicken in there this time. So, who thought this shit up anyway? The colonel must be rolling over in his 11 herbs and spices grave as we speak.