Going Postal

Last week I got sick at work. No, not sick of work, that’s a daily occurrence. This was more me being sick with whatever fucked up germs are passing around at work. You know when you work in the HBC section you get many people coming in to share their cornucopia of viruses with you. So somewhere along the way I picked up a slight bug. It started with a sore throat on Wednesday and by Thursday it was still a somewhat sore throat and a growing amount of phlegm in my throat and chest. Well after working all day on Thursday I made it known that I might not be feeling well on Friday. Of course Friday rolls around and whenever I talk you can just hear the snot churning, so I said fuck it and called in sick. I’ve been there over ten years and that is the first time I’ve ever called in sick. I’ve gone home sick a day or two tops in my time there, but this is the first day I’ve called in sick. So I’m sitting around the house Friday not doing much of anything between periods of coughing up colorful stuff and then I get the mail. I had a letter from the United States Postal Service. Ok, about three or four years ago I took the test for the postal service and was told at that time that there wasn’t going to be anyone hired. That has been on the back burner forever and then I open this letter and it is telling me that I am eligible to apply for a part time job with the Post Office. The pay is $16.65 per hour and I figure it’s my best shot at getting a high paying job in a short time. I sent my letter back telling them that I’m interested in applying for the job and I guess I’ll see where it goes from here. If I do get it there are full government benefits that come with the job, even the part time job. Guess what that means? It means I no longer need my current job. I figure since I wouldn’t need the full time job to get my benefits, I could work this post office job and get myself another part time job and cross my fingers that the postal job turns to full time soon.

Speaking of going postal, I’m making a plea that someone goes postal on that worthless piece of shit down in Florida John Couey. As far as I’m concerned there is no reason for his existence any longer, in fact there probably was no reason for his existence in the first place. As long as he has already confessed to going into this girl’s bedroom, kidnapping and killing her; there is no reason for a trial. He’s guilty, he isn’t alleged for shit. I can only hope that in the next couple of weeks someone kills his sorry ass. Whether it’s another prisoner or a cop or a vigilante out for justice, he’ll be better off rotting. I don’t know this girl that he killed but I still want him to get what’s coming to him. I can’t believe that the church asked for their members to forgive him. If he wants to be forgiven by God, then let’s arrange a meeting.

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