GSN… What is it, Global Shitty News?

This weather needs to lighten up already. I know that winter still wants to run the show, but I wish spring would get in here and take this mofo over already. I don’t care if it ever gets hot out, but would it be so bad to get some 60’s in here. Hell, I’ll settle for 50’s at this rate. Saturday we had a little battle between spring and winter again, as the weather wanted to be spring like, but the temperatures decided it would be winter instead. What that results in is temps in the high 20’s, with freezing rain/snow/sleet and the occasional hail. It also results in lightning and thunder, which when you hear it, makes you think it’s raining outside. When you go to look and you see snow you think, that’s fucked up.

I heard some disturbing news today. The Game Show Network is going to be changing their name to GSN. That’s nice, I’ve got three letters for you: WTF? I need an explanation and here’s what they give me:

GSN is a blank slate, a name for which marketers can create an identity. There’s plenty of precedent in the television industry for initials; many people who regularly watch ESPN or CBS couldn’t tell you what those initials once stood for (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network and Columbia Broadcasting System, respectively). “MTV started as a music channel and evolved to be a youth culture channel, still music-based,” Cronin said. “That’s a model for us.”

Oh, well that explains it all, you want to model yourselves off of MTV. I don’t think the world can handle another Real World or Road Rules, probably because their bastard incarnations are running rampant around every network already. But alas, GSN will fail to heed the warning as they are looking to get into the reality TV genre now as well. First up they will rebroadcast the original mole. Well thank God, now I can not watch it a second time and feel twice as good about myself.