Head On… Apply Directly to the Forehead… Head On

You know, that was probably one of the more annoying ad campaigns that I had to put up with while watching television but now their new ads are even more annoying. The new ads look like the old ads except they stop the ad after the first line and someone walks out and says how annoying their commercials are, but how they just love the product. The problem with that is that the people that come out are even more annoying than the original commercial. I’d rather hear the original announcer than the black guy with the raspy ass voice or the woman who looks like she applied her finger directly to the light socket. Now this company is branching out into other things other than just headache remedies and going after arthritis pain and itching…. “Apply directly to the itch”. I’m just praying that they come out with a hemorrhoid ointment soon just so I can see that commercial.

Now that I’m done with school for a couple months I’m finding myself with far too much idle time. One of the ideas I’m entertaining is redoing my car interior again. I’m looking at adding a few billet things and other enhancements and then I would also like to put a new radio in there. Well, not just any radio, this would be a CD player that just happens to have a radio in it. It also is compatible with mp3 and wma CD’s and has a USB port on the front of it so I can just plug a jump drive in and listen to a shitload of songs. The only problem with all of this is that I have a 2000 Mustang and for whatever reason I have two radio slots in the car. One is my cassette (wtf??) deck/radio and the other is the CD player. This would mean that I would have a gaping hole in my dashboard where the old CD player used to be. One thought I’m running through my mind is to put my portable police scanner in that hole since the radio has two inputs in the back to add accessories and therefore I could just play the scanner through the radio speakers when needed. I just have to figure out how I would mount the scanner in there and if I can figure that out, it’s definitely a go.

Our weather has been nothing short of exciting lately. We haven’t had too many hot days yet, there was a short stretch of 80’s about a week or so ago but for the most part getting to 70 has been something to celebrate. Yesterday we hardly reached 60 and we had a tornado warning. I was online looking at Southern Wisconsin and saw a tornado warning down there so I clicked on the tornado warning button that shows all warnings for Wisconsin and noticed that my county was listed. My first thought was what the hell is this, some sort of mistake? There was this little renegade storm in the northwestern part of the county which didn’t seem too threatening; especially since it wasn’t heading my way. As soon as I realized that is why they were putting out the warnings, the sirens started screaming; my least favorite noise right next to the alarm clock. We didn’t even get any rain out of the deal either but it did make for some good listening on the scanner. If I had it in my car, I could have went storm chasing.

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