I Feel Like Rodney Dangerfield

That’s right; I’ve gone Back to School. I went to class Monday night and spent four hours in a classroom learning stuff. I haven’t sat in a classroom in a school since 1994, so it was a little different. I’m used to going to school and taking a test here and there but to go and sit there and be expected to pay attention for four hours… who do they think I am? I have at the most, one hour of attention to pay to boring things like school. Four hours would be fine if it were one hour a day for four days, but all at once? Damn.

I’ve noticed that now that I am back in school, I have a bug up my ass to do everything but schoolwork. I’ve decided to revamp the 3rd Bass website. I finally upgraded the software for the message board and gave that a new look, and now I’m working on a new site design to mimic the look of the board. I am also thinking of adding a Movable Type blog to the site so that I can announce things on the front page. I downloaded and tested Movable Type 4 this past weekend and once I got it to work it was pretty nice. I tried installing it over top of a MT3.something installation and that didn’t work very well. I was able to get in the blog but much of the functionality that was supposed to be there just wasn’t. There are drop downs to refresh your templates but there were no dropdowns showing and the front page of the blog was littered with tags most likely left over from the previous version’s templates. Well, the instructions to install had said to just replace all of the files currently in the directory with the new files, which I did. However it just didn’t work like it should have. I ended up wiping the entire directory out and doing a fresh install so I would have no clutter from previous versions in there. The big difference was where I put the files this time compared to where I had overwritten previous files. This time I put the mt-static folder in the main directory, and I put everything else into the CGI bin. Once I went through all that, all the functionality that was supposed to be there finally was. Now I just have to decide when I will install it on my blog…

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